I've never read Cervantes book, so I'm not a follower of his methods. I've come to my conclusion mainly based on what I see happen with autos in their last 3 weeks. I always seem to worry that the buds aren't getting fat enough and then the fan leaves start to turn and I see that explosion of growth where the buds get so fat. While removing those leaves earlier will provide more light to those inner buds, I think those leaves are equally, if not more important to the final growth stage of the buds. I do pinch off the most inner buds to force more growth to the upper buds on the side branches. I sometimes will also remove those small inner fan leaves if they are in close to the main stalk. So far it's worked well and I've gotten good results from my plants.
From what I've seen and know of defoliation techniques I think they are more suited for photo strains where the plants have more time to adapt. Autos just don't have enough time to recover and end up stunted to one degree or another.