
Outside the box
May 7, 2013
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Hey guys, How many days would you say to switch the bloom on with the platinum LEDs?
I don't know I run all of my LEDs full spectrum all the way I know you don't have to if you have a bloom in veg switch on your lights but I figured the sun is full-spectrum so why not give them full spectrum LED light and I've had good results electric bill isn't bad

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Just if you're growing your seedlings keep them away from the light until they get a little bigger then they can get closer to the full spectrum but I never just use the veg switch

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@Gunnerboy76 i was thinking that but didn't want to stress or stunt them. I may just put it on around day 15
Normally I run my led lights full spectrum from the beginning. If I don't have electrical issues or budgetary restrictions I will slam them with light.
Normally I run my led lights full spectrum from the beginning. If I don't have electrical issues or budgetary restrictions I will slam them with light.

I'm not worried about electrical usage but didn't want to stunt the plants if the panel was too bright. The par readings on mine a quite high when on full spectrum
I'm not worried about electrical usage but didn't want to stunt the plants if the panel was too bright. The par readings on mine a quite high when on full spectrum

If they are 5 watt diodes with no COB's, then start your "light to top of plants" at 32 inches, then drop down from there over the course of a week or two, resting at it's final height.
If they are 5 watt diodes with no COB's, then start your "light to top of plants" at 32 inches, then drop down from there over the course of a week or two, resting at it's final height.

Okay Bro! Thanks for the info. Total noob with LEDs lol
Okay Bro! Thanks for the info. Total noob with LEDs lol

Everybody is new at some point, luckily we have forums like this one. Years ago, my very first grow I wasn't wearing my glasses for close up work. My plants had white powder mold and I didn't even know until I finally got around to putting on my glasses. Yeah, that was a little embarrassing, however, I learned from that big time.
@Gunnerboy76 i was thinking that but didn't want to stress or stunt them. I may just put it on around day 15
Yeah I hear you man I haven't had any problem I keep my Mars Hydro 144 x 5 reflector series pretty high off of my plants until my Autoflower is going to bloom then I'll add another one and get them a little closer butt I keep all my other plants in veg on the side and I haven't had any problems starting my seedlings under my full spectrum either hell I actually start my clones on the floor of the tent everything so far has been OK under LED for me full Spectrum all the way plus I can tell the difference on the bushing this of the plant and how it grows at least I think I'm doing okay