When Are Your Seeds Ready to Harvest

If you have the time, I would like to know how you collect pollen
My way is so stinking simple that I know there must be a better way but this is how I do it.

1) I got a roll of brown wrapping paper maybe 36" or so. I cutl off a piece about 4 feet long.

2) I crease it at the 1/2 point of the long end.

3) I hold the male plant over the paper upside down (inside where there is no wind). It is best if the plant was recently watered as less crap falls out of the pot the male plant is in.

4) I tap the plant about ten times with a tablespoon on the stock. The pollen falls like fine snow on to the paper.

5)I pick up any drap off of the paper that isn't pollen. Like old leaves and debris.

6) I fold the paper where I creased it as in step 2.

7) I open a clean middle sized jar like a mason jar.

8) I hold the paper over the jar so the crease point fits into the mouth of the har.

9) I gently tap the paper and the pollen falls into the jar.

10) You can repeat this procedure every three days or so and you will get more pollen.

11) I store my pollen in the freezer section of my pot seed refrigerator.

Don't ask me how long it lasts I don't know. I have used 2 year old pollen with success. Maybe someone else knows the answer to this.

If you have the time, I would like to know how you collect pollen
Love the KISS methods that you use Nelson! Great thread!
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I just heard from someone that I sent seeds to in the mail. The seeds arrived moldy. Yup they were fresh when I sent them but I thought they would be fine. Well there it is life lesson number 351. If you send fresh seeds put some rice in with them to absorb the moisture so they don't mold. Please no one ask what the first 350 life lessons were.
he asked not to ask haa haaa hahahahah ahhaha hahahhaha........