Grow Room What LEDs are you using?

Depends. A lot use a wattage as part of the product name, like the Blackstar 240 or the GLH 290. That may differ from the actual wattage. The actual draw is more likely mentioned in a detailed discussion.
tx nice 1
Generally drawn wattage is 45% of the max diode output. Anything over this will kill an led bulb. It is meant to run half strength and the ballast takes a 10% loss at the start. Hope this helps you generate drawn wattage numbers in a ballpark fashion.
Iv just noticed we now have someone in the UK selling blackstar LEDs on eBay,it says they come with a years warranty, free p&p and a UK plug,£200 for a 180w 2011 model..a little more than I paid for the same one but the warranty and fast delivery is worth it,plus no customs import tax! Hers a link,the UK ones are the ones with free p&p and don't say Gotham hydro on the pic
I think the penetrators are the best bang for your buck, besides the lumiglows es330's....will be picking a couple next year for my new tent...
Advanced Led diamond series 200 watt. This product is made in the USA and the price is about 500.00. I have had mine for a couple of years and I am very happy with it. No problems at all. I will buy another some day.
This is an old thread but still relevant.
I am running 4 Blackstar 240 flowering spectrum units in my main indoor box. The box is 2.5 x 7 feet, so approximately 55 (advertised) watts per square foot.
Blackstar 240 in a 2x2 and a blackstar chrome 8 in a 2x4
whats the watts on that chrome and do they have uv in them?

just got a 240w blackstar flower model
I am using 3X 120 watt no name LED round panels to supplement my CFLs. I think it is an improvement and I am producing much more out of my large bubbly tank per plant than I used to. I think my increase is about 30%. My tank is bubbly hydro and has 32 sq. ft of growing area and capacity for 69 plants yes it is SOG. It is perpetual grow but instead of starting babies in the larger tank I stopped doing that and start them in 3 12 plant totes with grow nuits much higher in nitrogen. Hard to tell how much the increase in production is due to the start totes or the supplemental LED lighting. I now average about 12.5 gms per plant.
180w Prosource UFO and a 90w prosource UFO but only running the 180w right now. The 180 pulls 126w from the wall and is a mean bitch in a 4x4 tent. The 90w pulls 75w on the killawatt. These lights are definitely capable of dense nugs. These guys offer a 3 year warranty and the most incredible customer service. Solid company but if I were to try out another I'd probably buy a hydrogrow penetrator 84x pro. I've seen some awesome results with these lights and the modular design makes perfect sense. Love LEDs, its the future of growing.