Hydroponic Heretic
My first batch lost most of it's smell, and just tasted too Earthy. I am running close to harvest on my current Mephisto Chemdogging, and I would appreciate some tips about how to make my final product taste and smell fantastic.
Last time I did my trimming and used the paper bag method. Dry time in the bag was about 4 days if I remember correctly. Then into the jars. Never dropped below 65% RH.
How about some veterans reveal the secret?
I was extremely meticulous with my dry/cure, and didn't feel like I made any mistakes, so I am not getting why the smell was so weak.
Set me straight before this upcoming harvest?
Last time I did my trimming and used the paper bag method. Dry time in the bag was about 4 days if I remember correctly. Then into the jars. Never dropped below 65% RH.
How about some veterans reveal the secret?
I was extremely meticulous with my dry/cure, and didn't feel like I made any mistakes, so I am not getting why the smell was so weak.
Set me straight before this upcoming harvest?