Grow Mediums What is a good way to flush autopots?

I might add, she's bounced back rather remarkably (this plant was flushed about 2-3 weeks ago)
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Very healthy looking. Nice stuff. Thanks for writing the stuff above to. Good tips for me to think about now. I was planning on flushing the last week using the autopot rez actually. But right now I want to do a medic flush so I don't want to use the rez for that. Just top water I guess.
Hope this works. I removed a plant that looks like it has a PH at the roots issue (6.8) and a mag def. And the pot weight was quite light. Seemed like it had not been taking up water to me. That was scary to see. But there was liquid in the tray so I think the rez and lines and valve are fine. And I did not see any big nasty root issues on the bottom of the autopot that would stop the wicking action.

So I turned off the rez feed and drained and cleaned the tray. Then I flushed the pot with ph 6.0 that is 50 percent med-hard tap water and 50% store bought RO water and let that drain for about 20 minutes. Then I put the pot back in the tray and turned on the rez. The tray filled up right away.

Will hopefully get rid of what I think is a mag deficiency.

What is weird is I have two plants in autopots that are exactly the same as far as rez nutes and water and lights etc go but only one is showing signs of a mag def.
C'mon peeps. Tell me what you do. Fully disconnect and hand water flush? Or flush using the res with water? Or another way? This is important shit man!!!!
What I do is let the trays dry out, just time it right.
I have a spare res, but you don't have to have a spare Rez but makes it eas as you just have some water in either res and hook it up.
I flush for about 10 days to 2 weeks.

Never had issues.
What I do is let the trays dry out, just time it right.
I have a spare res, but you don't have to have a spare Rez but makes it eas as you just have some water in either res and hook it up.
I flush for about 10 days to 2 weeks.

Never had issues.

I was going to just get a 5 gallon bucket today and drill a whole it and run a tube in and silicone it and maybe put a cutoff valve inline and splitter so I can do more than one pot. So you just pushed me to give it a go this way.

Do you ph the water for final flushing before chop? My tap water is 7.1/7.2 and I am using coco. My feed I ph down to 5.8 or 5.9 or 6 depending.
see mythbuster section on flushing.
Said to be a no no.
I dont flush. Dont starve the buds when they need food most. :hump:
Very late to the game...but this confuses me. If you flush with 2-3 of gallons current weeks feed to get rid of top salts, then you are not starving it...correct?
Very late to the game...but this confuses me. If you flush with 2-3 of gallons current weeks feed to get rid of top salts, then you are not starving it...correct?
If your gonna flush the autopots to get rid of salts, it takes a lot of gallons through each 5 gallon bag from my experience. Like 6 gallons per plant at least for me when things are bad enough I feel I need to flush. Gotta just keep going until the ppms are lower then the feed. I actually had to do this today since I can't really figure out what my current issue is but my runoff was crazy high. But anyway, 2-3 gallons will basically just drive the excess nutrients to the bottom of the pots and you'll end up with issues within a week. I take the plants out and put them on racks over buckets and flush with my regular strength calmag and half strength nutes at 5.6-5.8. Took about 6 gallons per plant today to get the run off from 800-1200 down to 400-500. Then the last gallon through is regular strength plus recharge. If you look at my current journal I did the quick 2 gallon flush at flower a couple weeks ago instead of the good flush and it's gone downhill for every plant in there immediately. I tried to do it half assed this time and got burned and now I'm chasing it