I managed 33.79gs(tight manicure) plus another 10-12(close trim). Magic and Stone(1 of each, both F3). They`re sitting in Kilner at 64%(a couple of bov 62s` in with em!) They were a pleasure t`spend time with...

up t`ya chaps...catch y`later
Seeing as Krug pulled this thread from the abyss I might as well add my fall 2015 list!
Dutch Passion:
Hollands Hope (growing again but not in the full sun garden, due to density she has been bumped back to the 8 hour sun garden)
Blueberry (growing again forever)
Frisian Dew (growing again same location)
Delicious Seeds:
Fruity Chronic Juice (growing in the full sun garden in place of the hollands hope next season)
G-13 Pheno (last seed, no rerun)
Texada Skunk (been a fine strain throughout the pack but I am retiring this one)
Skunkberry (far too hit and miss for northern Canada...I still have one out and it snowed yesterday!! LOL)
God Bud (retiring due to mold susceptibility and lack of smell/taste)
So that leaves me with one open spot for the full sun garden, and 3 open spots for the limited sun garden. Ive decided I am going to sacrifice 2 photo spots in the limited sun garden and do some bigger auto strains I bought from the portal giftshop. Likely fit 8 in the spot of the 2 photos. So that leaves one needed seed for the full sun garden and one needed for the limited sun garden. I am leaning toward Bomb Seeds Cherry Bomb, and a Sweet Seeds ? for the full sun garden.