@FullDuplex, high praise indeed! I came here with a good base to work from, having been in the orchid biz' for some years, and other hobby plants,...It was Muddy and Jm who both helped me really up my game here though, with cannabis-- my grows and helping with other homies here!

...next thing I knew, AFN staff had their gaff hooks in me-

...***.... Ah!-- excellent point about Fl, something I tend to overlook,... yeah, despite it's being Cl's close elemental relative, carbon filters don't remove it like they do Cl compounds,... I'll remember to include this when I refer folks to their water company's for info about what Cl treatment is used on their tap water,... ***.... DWC Spider plants, at your work desk!

-- now that's a hoot!
Bromeo- you might be onto something with the build-up of salts, and consequent pH issues... especially with coco's CEC peculiarities! ....looking at the damage on those plants again, I was thinking something more that just defc.'s might be going on,...
HM, you read my very thoughts there about the potential reason for the defc.,... in some cases, I think the multi-part fert's are formulated that way to help maintain chemical stability of fert. solutions,... some things do not play well with others in the same bottle, depending on their sourcing,... and when you feed below rec. levels, particularly with one part of it, shortages seem inevitable! ....besides, I'll never understand or like how AN tweaks it's feed NPK ratios,... seems you
must use several of their other products in conjunction to cover the bases and get the NPK ratios right for respective stages,...

and in the case of the Bloom A, with the relatively high N in it combined with several other secondary and micro nute's-

-- what the hell can you do?! ....they make quality stuff, but the marketing and division of fert's and supplements is


... Well concluded mate, I think that's what happened here,...

take that for starters!

...thinking I might even pinch those pics and add them to the Defc. Pic Depot, if that's okay with you,... you'll be immortalized in the AFN help guide Halls of WTF!