What Causes This..Help Wanted

@FullDuplex If I had a salt buildup, would not the pH of the medium be dropping like a rock, or can you have salt toxicity and still have good pH? I usually let 10-20 percent go through as runoff.

It depends, sometimes yeah and sometime no. It really depends on the medium that you are using as well. I dont know the details and maybe i should read more of your threads but that is my fault. I have seen salt cause toxic levels in soil and not drop the pH to the point where things are locked out. However i have seen where residue build ups cause plants to do weird shit and a solid flush works all the time. But like waira said this shit is mobile from the top down, so its hitting the new growth first and then on to the older stuff.

I always, in my head, related new growth up top to new growth below, think of the plant as an ice burg. There is something above the surface but way more under, so when those roots are filling that pot they are picking up more and more of what is causing this, and to me the newer roots are the ones that are the most sensitive to what is being picked up in the soil. Once the plant starts taking up the garbage its going to try to correct its self causing damage from other "food stores" in the plant.

>> Brother FD! :pass: :woohoo1:great to see you about, mate,....thank you for chiming in on this as well, it makes me more comfortable about my diagnosis! I worry, because the very last thing I'd want is to FUBAR somebodies plant - :baghead: :cuss:... really, I just threw a dart at a spinning wheel of named deficiencies,...:rofl: :eek1: :rofl:

Cheers mate, and i am glad i can give you a sense of security however i have read some of your posts about plants and i dont think FUBAR is really in you vocabulary. Seems that you have a great deal of knowledge there and that sir is impressive. I have always been a big fan of KISS and that always worked for me, i had a few times that i tried a lot of the stuff that was on the market but always had the same result...burnt tips or whole leaf....
I'm leaning more toward a deficiency because switching to straight RO water made things noticeably worse in just one day. If it was too much of something, I would think the straight water would have helped, not speed up damage. I'm pretty sold on the AN line I use, two of the sups are soil builders, one is a B vitamin, two are PK boosters, one is a carbohydrate, and one is silica. I follow the AN nutrient chart at 1/2 listed amount. I've had great results, just this little problem at the end.

side note here mate, i have a grow at my desk at work, not pot but spider plants. I have 2 in soil and 2 in hydro, the water that i use to feed them had a stupid high fluoride content. It was burning the tips of the plants pretty bad. The only way to get rid of the fluoride was to distill the water, RO will not remove all of it and neither will gassing off the water. Have you checked for that?

If you look close youll see the burnt and rolled tips...
side note here mate, i have a grow at my desk at work, not pot but spider plants. I have 2 in soil and 2 in hydro, the water that i use to feed them had a stupid high fluoride content. It was burning the tips of the plants pretty bad. The only way to get rid of the fluoride was to distill the water, RO will not remove all of it and neither will gassing off the water. Have you checked for that?
Have not checked this, but it is a real possibility. I carbon filter, then RO the water. My RO filter is about shot, because I'm getting about 100 ppm out of the RO. I figured it was giving me a little buffering capacity having a little something in it. I guess the "something" could be the problem.
From day 1, this plant would roll the very end of the tips of all the leaves. The tips of the leaflets looked white because the bottom was showing upside. Did this right up until I burned the tips with a little nute burn after it started flowering. She grew really fast and seemed to not effect growth at all. I thought it was strain specific, but wondering now about the fluoride.
Checked pH again today, 6.5. I could not find any borax at the mart, so I just went ahead and fed her only 1/2X base bloom nutes. I checked the label on my Jungle Juice 2 part, and there is boron at 0.02%. I checked the ppm of my runoff and it was 1135, My feed went in at 750. New growth still being affected, but still putting out white hairs. Trichomes are 90% cloudy and I only saw a couple random amber. Jungle Juice is derived from organic sources, these bottles are right at 1 year old, do they get old and go bad?
Some of mine are doing the exact same thing towards the end. I'm starting to wonder if it's some form of build up the plant just can't digest. However for the life of me I can't figure it out. I'm currently doing regular rinses and it seems to be helping. I have 2 at that same point right now and they have yet to do it.....knock on wood.
Checked pH again today, 6.5. I could not find any borax at the mart, so I just went ahead and fed her only 1/2X base bloom nutes. I checked the label on my Jungle Juice 2 part, and there is boron at 0.02%. I checked the ppm of my runoff and it was 1135, My feed went in at 750. New growth still being affected, but still putting out white hairs. Trichomes are 90% cloudy and I only saw a couple random amber. Jungle Juice is derived from organic sources, these bottles are right at 1 year old, do they get old and go bad?

Interesting...our feed is very similar in total make up. How are you feeding? Feed...feed....water or feed only...?
Interesting...our feed is very similar in total make up. How are you feeding? Feed...feed....water or feed only...?
I feed with every watering at no more than 1/2X, and start day 1 at 1/8X and work up to 1/2X by about week 4. I use GH FloroKleen about every 4 weeks through the grow, more often if I burn some leaf tips or pH starts dropping.
Hey @Bromeo @Waira @FullDuplex @oldster @JayRock99

After mulling around everything discussed here and doing a detailed review of my growing technique and studying my past journals, I think I have come up with a logical reason why this is happening. My micronutrients are included in the Part A of my 2 part base bloom nutes, part A is also where most of the N comes from. While feeding at 1/2 X, I am supplying enough micros to satisfy my girl. After flowering gets into full swing, the N requiremet drops dramaticly and I get what I call "too dark green" color and leaf tips get burned a little. When this happens, I start backing off the strength of the nutrients, which also decreases my micros to a point of deficiency. As a proposed solution, I have ordered some Earth Juice Microblast so I can keep my micros up and still avoid excess N, fried leaves and chemical tasting meds. Does this seem logical to you people too? I have to order all my grow supplies online, so it will be next Wednesday probably before I get the Microblast. I am going to give the NLxBB a shot or two of it even though I will be into cleansing by then, it may help slow progression of the necrosis.