Indoor Wetwoods dwc [northernlights + bigbud - Complete ] - [ thc auto bomb OnGoing]

As soon as the roots get out of the bottom of the netpot.
I start with the water level being about 1-2cm above the base of the pot as the water will creep up through the clay pebbles (through capillary action and bubbles from the air stones) to keep them damp and encourage root growth.
I also have a low strength feed in the water right from day 1 when the seedlings are put in the pots and use that, scooped from the reservoir, for the top feeding.
Yep water in my res is diluted by a 4th of recomended.

I just filled a 1.5 ltr bottle with res water and top feeding with that.

Do you run the res water above the net cup or just below. Seen someone running a dwc but the water was right upto the plants main stem?

I fear my big net cups are too big and going to take longer to get to.
1 or 2 cm above the base of the netpot until the roots get out, and then drop it to 2 cm below the base of the pot.
Day 9 - bubbblees

So got my new air pump today very quiet love it.

Tent heat

Northern lights

Thc auto bomb

Group shot
1 or 2 cm above the base of the netpot until the roots get out, and then drop it to 2 cm below the base of the pot.

Bah might need to top feed for a bit longer then dont want to waste neuts.
Day 10 -

Seeing a daily increase in rh %

Northern lights - found out is actually a Northern lights + big bud strain.

Thc bomb
Just had a wee look at my dwc ph and it had creeped upto 7.7 so back down to 6-6.2.

I had noticed on my ph down cap some black horrible looking stuff any ideas.

Northernlights big bud strain

Thc Bomb

Group shot
Looking well.
No idea what that crap is on your pH down lid. Sort of looks like the glue that normally attaches a cardboard 'seal'.

Did the pH increase come after a res change? I aerate my water for 24-48 hours before I put in nutes for a res change. The aeration causes the pH to rise significantly during this period - the Aeration forces CO2 out of the water which will raise the pH.
It is also possible that it was caused by the extra aeration due to your new pump being stronger.
Yeah I am very impressed with there progress so far,
na its been bubbling for about a week, but i have a new pump which is clearly wayyy more bubbles its like sparkling water popping away. will upload a video shortly.

oh i forgot to mention i done a test on my water finally.
0.7 ecc that good? with dutch pro a + b, sm90, calmag?