Indoor Wetwoods dwc [northernlights + bigbud - Complete ] - [ thc auto bomb OnGoing]

I'm subbed up for this grow, man.
Oh, If you have the space, and need more height, you can get a 4x4x7 tent on amazon for pretty cheap, man. Think I got mine for around $95 with shipping...
Here's what I have.View attachment 923536
Hey bud thanks for subbing, its height issue i have sadly few inches off the tent poles and its all good.
Alright ladies n gents,
wee update have started making my own diy lights, 6 x quantum boards 4000k not ideal but should do the job.

Thankfully havent had to butcher the tent. Instead increased the loft beams.

Going to try some different neuts this time around juggling between shogun and dutch pro.

Lets hope this run isnt a extremely long run like the last.

Will be making 2 x diy led setup also have the 1000w and 200w if needed.

Alright buds,
wee update seen a few people using worm castings with coco setup. ordered myself a 1ltr bag.
obviously im still a novice grower, is there anything i should be looking out for when running my plants in a coco/worm casting enviro?
will be hydro bottom fed same as last time. decided to go with the Dutch Pro Neuts.

Should be building the new tent this weekend fingers crossed. will get some pics up asap
Hey guys,
Got more testing and wiring done in the office today.

using a cheap driver should handle 6 strips but does not. So taking it down to 5 have ordered another driver with more watts and amps.

The tent will have 2 diy lights and im very impressed with the spread on these.
Brand is powerlite 4000ks

The bolts and nuts are car registration holders work a treat.

Once the lights are tested for heat and stability will get tent up.
