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ok guys heres the harvest from the first flush from the mexi-cube tub... i think there is about 2-2.5 oz on the dehydrator that needs dried yet plus the 2 big sandwitch bags have 28grams each, the other 2 bags consist of 8 grams and 3.5 grams so im thinking 4oz easy on the 1st flush.. i will update once i get the last ones dry.. i also gave my buddy another 5 grams for him to try tomorrow and his buddy wanted an 1/8 for his bday so i have to remember to take that 8.5 grams into account for my total 1st flush yield

Gonna try and dunk the tub for another flush!
why not right?!?!?
I have other tubs I'm trying out tyvek versus gettin the poly fil stuffing just right. I hate poly fil. I will ad just the tyvek and see what happens.
Nice haul!
ahhh ok that makes sense to why theres tyvek!:face: lol ill be interested in how it works... the poly fill part is pretty easy lol... bottom 4 holes stuffed TIGHT with the poly fill and loose in the top 2 end holes... heres a link with pics for "dialing" in your mono tub... very simple and straight forwaard with pics....
Did you case that tub in the pic? i dont see the substrate surface colonized:pass: