Extraction Welcome to the DIY vape section

I have no prob helping you out here I have alot of experience in extracts of all kinds however I do not like to play with bho. I have been trying my hand at some diamond mining. First time went ok gunna try again at end of summer with a real big run all my outdoor trim.
I add no Terps into my carts I use a low temp product almost shale like. Terp preservation is enough for desired flavor. I do not make carts often usually only upon special request of a patient. I've tried adding Terps but anyone who has tried them prefers without they say it ruins the canna flavor. I do have a few patients who ask for 3/4 full carts so they can add some vape juice or their own to cover the smell. I'm assuming they partake in public.
Do you do low heat under pressure to get it to liquify?
I use a shot glass and a hot plate to heat it up and then add the terpenes. I use a blunt syringe to transfer everything from the shot glass to the cartridge. Easier to do it while it is warm.
I've done that same thing using a heat gun to warm the shot glass. Lol
This is how I heat the mixture or decarb. rosin for edibles.
