Fast Buds WeirdBeard grows The Mother F&@$ing GSC

Oh yeah, were the levesextra thick and rough?
I ended up pulling her so this thread unfortunately, has died unless our great friends @FastBuds would like to send me a replacement.

Didn't notice my spelling was so great, my question was were the leaves extra thick and rough, mine were.
@Weirdbeard sorry to bump your thread back up, just seeing how things are going? You were my lsd growing partner last time lol, was hoping the same for our gsc. hope all is well :vibes: oh, did fastbuds ever get back to you?
@Weirdbeard sorry to bump your thread back up, just seeing how things are going? You were my lsd growing partner last time lol, was hoping the same for our gsc. hope all is well :vibes: oh, did fastbuds ever get back to you?
No, never popped another GSC, and no they never got back with me.