Week 4 of flower issues - CBD strain

@Waira I’m ordering the test kit today.
the water comes out of a well at ~1025ppm,

That is a very high Ec (Hanna) for well water, Ec 2.1 =.1050ppm....... that tells me, along with the reading taken, (Below) you must be on limestone or sandstone, which are harder "groundwaters" then chalk
This i can tell from the drop in Ph and ppm, after the water has stood in the holding tank for a few days, the gasses (co2 Nitrogen & oxygen) going into (Diffusing in @ 1ATM) the RO water, push off temporary alkalinity.

However, the RO water coming out should be Ec0.05 and a ppm of 5 to 10............... so your RO filter, is completely blocked at the carbon pre filter and the RO membrane, which is bypassing a ppm of 164 or Ec 0.35, which is quite high.............. an RO filter at 1.5 bar tap pressure, should remove the 1025ppm Ec2.3 (Very Salty Groundwater)...... with no trouble, clean that salty, well groundwater no problem to 0.05 to 0.09 at the minimum. This water then, for human consumption, should be staralized with chlorinates, to a "4 ppm" for drinking water post RO filtration......... this is also good for plants !!......... i recommend you get a chlorine doser for your standing water tank........... and replace the 300gpd hydro logic stealth, unit or all the filters asap.... 300gallon per day seems a lot of water for one of these units; you would need 5bar back pressure !!

Direct out of RO System:
pH 8.1
PPM 164
EC us/cm 0161

Water in holding tank:
PH 7.8
PPM 94
EC us/cm 0196

double check that the pre-filters are not utterly clogged,

Replace all the filters asap,................ better to fit new filters than try to back wash an RO membrane. When its full it will weigh 4 times that of the empty new membrane........... due to the salts packed into it at 1.5-3 bar pressure...

this membrane has held up for 4+years now, with several sediment/carbon filter replacements along with regular back-flushing.... It gives 2-4 ppm water..

2 to 4ppm is a lot of by pass of filtration products............ should not exceed and Ec of 0.09 ppm below 10, 4yrs i service for one RO membrane........... i used to change my RO membrane every 200galon, or if the Ec rose to 0.10............. all filters carbon and RO changed....... 4 times a year at least.......

TOM i would rig up a chlorine doser to 4ppm after your RO filter has out put your house water ok......... change all filters asap,........... get your output RO ppm right down ok............. if you can i advise "Rainwater Capture" for your plants, is a whole lot less hasle than RO chlorination house water. You need that indoors, can you collect rainwater TOM ??....................... is 100% better for the plants.............. the reading below are not good for human consumption tom.......... i believe your plants have give you this feed back "Previously" as waira, has picked up on earlier........ better to throw away RO membranes full of captured salts trace ellements etc.......... than try and backwash them.................... gota go cook a kung po chicken now, but will drop back and address waira's qs's also ok...................... hope i have been of some help, i run RO for 1.5yr before moving up to "Rainwater" 10mc filtered then UV (Koi UV unit), unit to steralize it before use.......... ALR

Direct out of RO System:
pH 8.1
PPM 164
EC us/cm 0161

Water in holding tank:
PH 7.8
PPM 94
EC us/cm 0196