Week 2 and 4 days into auto cheese


Semi noob grower
Nov 29, 2016
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First grow guys, hoping to get some feed back. I'm doing 4 autoflowers under 2x 125watt 5500k spectrum bulbs + a 70 watt hps. They are getting some new growth which is good but showing small signs of a burn on dry out? These seedlings may have been damaged at around week 1 when the temps creeped into the high 30's (degrees celcius). 2 are fine 2 are.. not so much. I'm using soil and perlite, I plan on continuing to feed with bottled water at ph 7 until atleast week 5/6.


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I would drop your input water ph down a few points 6.5 is the best give or take a few points.I f you plan on feeding nutes go very light and increase as they get bigger.
Thanks for your reply buddy. The thing is Ive got a really good ph pen but no ph up or down or anything like that. My water happens to sit between 7.0 - 7.5
Thanks for your reply buddy. The thing is Ive got a really good ph pen but no ph up or down or anything like that. My water happens to sit between 7.0 - 7.5

Okay so namvet is right, your PH is too high. I mean there are ghetto methods to reduce PH, such as squeezing a lemon :smoking: into your watering container and since you've got a good ph pen, you can probably do that (carefully). That's funny, but will work I guess. Also, what soil are u using? It may be too hot. And anyway don't sweat it: it's called weed for a reason - your girls will survive :toke:
Can you give me more info on the ghetto methods of rising or in my case lowering ph, I could sit and mess around with the methods with my water and pen till I got it right.. but I wasn't wanting to go with the methods I seen online as that may not be MJ plant specific.. I'm guessing lemon juice is cool for my baby's? Ive never heard of that method

And I'm using growbags its for tomatoes and stuff, mixed in 5050 with perlite. My bro has a auto it's about 2/3 weeks ahead of my girls and he took like a pot full of the same mix she got a little burned to but once she was like 1/2 foot the yellowing stayed at the bottom and showed no signs on the new growths
Lemon juice is probably most safe organic ghetto PH lowering agent. In case you need to raise PH (added more juice than needed) just add more water :smoking: Nothing I know to be completely safe to raise PH and be cheaper than bottle of PH+ tho
Thanks man, ill get a lemon today and go out to mess around with the tester. Basically just a few drops of raw lemon? I want to be somewhere within the 6.0-6.5 region yeah
:toke: Scott'-- My thinking is this is from the heat spell, which can beat up seedlings at times,.. was the RH really high, or low at the time? Also, what soil is this specifically? ...heat, transpiration stress, and perhaps soil that on the edge of being too rich or off pH can cause this temporary tip/margin burning,... not all strains, even pheno's respond the same too, confusing matters more! New growth looks fine, so that's a good sign,... And as always, the in-soil pH is something to monitor often,.. sometimes soil right outta the bag can be off, usually too acidic. Soil is best around mid 6's, or a bit lower,... best tool for this is a soil pH probe, like the Accurate 8...
Your water sounds pretty good, do you have a TDS or EC meter too? Knowing the hardness (amount of pH buffering minerals) in there is part of the deal when adjusting pH for both water alone and nute soln.'s,... If you need a pH down, lemon will do in a pinch, but you can get canning citric acid, cheap, and it's gentler than most other products,... a little goes a long way, so tinker with it some to get familiar... 1/4 tsp/gal will drop pH about 1.5 - 2+ points, depending on your water's hardness! try a tsp/gal of the juice and see how much it changes,.. give it a few minutes after adding to stabilize before taking a reading,...
This was them this morning after they had been dried out all night after a watering the RH seems to drop in my box. I'm usually in between 40/60 though. Doing well and hope to see some stretch and progress next week or 2! Will be sticking to tap water with a little bit of lemon juice dropped in to bring down to about 6.5 input water till around week 5 or 6 then planning on introducing a small dose of bio bizz
Bloom product


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