Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

I suspect the photos will eat more like the recommended dosage. @Itisi whatchoo saying?
Don't know you know my photo mum is only on 1.5 ml per ltr at the min and that's after the cuttings need to give her a flush never ran to run off yet opps [emoji106]

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Hey Elle! Nice to see ya in here. Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the clarification on the dietarybodacious earth.

Stick around.. we need English teachers! [emoji6][emoji1360]
LOL cheers Vlad! I did think of teaching English as a foreign language once! Can't be arsed though, most of the time people piss me off, that's not a good thing when they're meant to be paying you...

I use DE for red mite control in chicken houses. The diatoms are fossilized sea creatures which are all sharp and pointy edges, so they slice through things like insect bodies and dry them out. Great stuff, but apply it with something like a spoon / spare flour sifter / tea strainer, because it'll really dry your hands out.
LOL cheers Vlad! I did think of teaching English as a foreign language once! Can't be arsed though, most of the time people piss me off, that's not a good thing when they're meant to be paying you...

I use DE for red mite control in chicken houses. The diatoms are fossilized sea creatures which are all sharp and pointy edges, so they slice through things like insect bodies and dry them out. Great stuff, but apply it with something like a spoon / spare flour sifter / tea strainer, because it'll really dry your hands out.

Bug torture. I likey!

Luckily I haven't got any bugs ATM but 'tis the season and thrips love my cellar.
So... I've just de twigged the first Glueberry and she weighs in at 6.75 Oz. There's still a fair bit of moisture in the stems tho so I'll sweat it overnight, dry it again tomorrow and re-weigh.

Well happy with that tho.. and it reeeks! [emoji16]