Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

Well, just imagine what you'd do with buckets... [emoji16]

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I could mop the floor... make a home made smoking device.. [emoji848]

Scrub the decks... catch drips from a leaky roof... [emoji848]

Bail out a sinking sea vessel.. store some live whelks.. [emoji848] [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
I could mop the floor... make a home made smoking device.. [emoji848]

Scrub the decks... catch drips from a leaky roof... [emoji848]

Bail out a sinking sea vessel.. store some live whelks.. [emoji848] [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji109]

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@Wile e Peyote

Flushing... talk to me... [emoji848]

Is a week and a half long enough bud? And do you pH the water or just fling tap water at 'em?

Cheers [emoji8]
I usually pH the water for the first couple of days then tap water I haven't got a clue why I do it I just do for around 7 to 10 days vladders [emoji106]

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I usually pH the water for the first couple of days then tap water I haven't got a clue why I do it I just do for around 7 to 10 days vladders [emoji106]

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Sweet. Cheers bud, I might start flushing the older one today.. gotta get the jars filled up before the wife runs out.

If that happens, believe you me heads will roll...!
Sweet. Cheers bud, I might start flushing the older one today.. gotta get the jars filled up before the wife runs out.

If that happens, believe you me heads will roll...!
He he get them jars filled fookin quick vlad I've done a 7, 10 and a 14 day flush never noticed any difference between you and me oh oh look what I've done I'm a proper grower now my first clone in over 15 years [emoji106]

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He he get them jars filled fookin quick vlad I've done a 7, 10 and a 14 day flush never noticed any difference between you and me oh oh look what I've done I'm a proper grower now my first clone in over 15 years [emoji106]

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Nice work bud.. standing proud. [emoji1365]Are the others ok?
Here's some low quality pics!

^ younger Glueberry OG. She's too dark for my liking so I've given plain water yesterday and the day before, light feed today @1ml/L of A&B and Explode, a dash of cal. She's flowering up nicely, I just don't like the colour!


^ Glueberry OG snr. She's on flush now, I'll probably harvest her next Thursday. (We don't like doing weekend chops cos it gets quite busy with pub goers on our street.)

Lovely plant tho.. loads of rock hard sparkling buds on there.. [emoji16]


^ White Widow cripple. She's a bit of a mess ATM.. probably should have just let her grow considering they don't grow very tall anyway.. aw well.. she's shackled to fuck and that's how it's staying! [emoji38] Starting to green up a bit now, she's on 2.5ml/L A&B grow, root stim and I used the plant magic cal-mag to shove a bit more N into her. Seems to be working. [emoji1360]


^ Photoperiods for outdoor use.. [emoji1362]

And here's the team pic..

Safe. [emoji1477]