Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

One ring to rule them all!

And in the darkness bind them?

I haven’t picked it up yet cos I’m worried about the eye of Sauron.
Not quite...

Nice ring. Stretching might be ok - depends on how much it need to stretch. But don't think it would fare well in the annealing process.

I just bought the wife a new sapphire ring for her birthday. It was a bit snug so I stretched it for her. Then I fixed one of mine that was out of round. Then she brought me most of the contents of her jewelry box and said to fix it all. A few ear rings in need of repair but mostly rings in need of resizing. All done and she is happy, but the only drawback is I don't have the tools to make them smaller if she loses weight.
Nice ring. Stretching might be ok - depends on how much it need to stretch. But don't think it would fare well in the annealing process.

I just bought the wife a new sapphire ring for her birthday. It was a bit snug so I stretched it for her. Then I fixed one of mine that was out of round. Then she brought me most of the contents of her jewelry box and said to fix it all. A few ear rings in need of repair but mostly rings in need of resizing. All done and she is happy, but the only drawback is I don't have the tools to make them smaller if she loses weight.
Thanks Ducks, we both have the same design - 6 sizes apart. If it had only been half a size it needed stretching it might have been OK but two full sizes is a bit much.

Well done on the resizings for the missus! Short of serious illness though, I think us ladies over a certain age find it pretty hard to lose weight so I don't think you need worry about making them smaller again...
Thanks Ducks, we both have the same design - 6 sizes apart. If it had only been half a size it needed stretching it might have been OK but two full sizes is a bit much.

Well done on the resizings for the missus! Short of serious illness though, I think us ladies over a certain age find it pretty hard to lose weight so I don't think you need worry about making them smaller again...

The wife's weight has fluctuated over the years - sometimes way up and sometimes down. Currently on a downward trend. But it is no wonder as she is starting to take after her mum and that woman didn't eat enough to keep a bird alive.