Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

Have you been up to check the outdoor girls since ya been back?

Hey Duckster! No, I haven’t been. Keggsie’s been watering them every Sunday tho and it’s rained pretty hard all day today. The Pineapple Chunk are doing really well, the others not so good but there shall be weed. [emoji1360]

He sent me a few pics, I’ll try and find them...

In other news, we just stripped the dead Glueberry in the cellar. Managed to salvage about 5 zips of some very ugly but nice smelling sticky buds, but burnt about the same on the fire. CBA with sorting it all out to wash. It was a bit stinky outside for a while but it’s turned cold so next door have their windows shut. [emoji1365]
Yea you posted some pics a couple weeks ago and they were looking pretty good then. So are starting to flower yet? Cold you say - send that shit to me man!:crying:

Naaah, we’re keeping it for a few days, it’s been a long time coming!

Not sure about the flowers mate, I’ve only got long distance shots on Keggsie’s cheapo phone...

Which Tapatalk won’t let me upload. [emoji849]

^ The Chunks


^ the others.
You're right, the chunks are looking good. Are those the ones you got from @Itisi that were loaded with thrips? Maybe there is something to his thrip army.:crying::crying:

That’s them mate. I think the reason they’re doing better than the others is because they’re clones. They had quite a lot of branches when they got eaten by the deer whereas the ones from seed were mainly one stem. The plants from seed got set back a lot further, also shit and water gets into the main stem..

I wonder how the cockney thrips are getting on in FarmVille.. Probably been waiting at the bus stop for weeks hoping to get back to London.