Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] Don't blame me guv i knows fuck all [emoji16] nice looking forest you got going there gump [emoji39][emoji16]

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It’s a bit cosy to say the least. [emoji23]

Can’t wait to get the two smaller ones out so I can do something about the Glueberries.

I know the fuckers are gonna be ready just before I go away.. bastards.. [emoji849]
Yee... I’m still doing four next time.. 2x Blackberry Gum and 2x GSC. [emoji41]
Glutton for punishment vladders the gum go biiiig seen this before made me chuckle

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Down in the dungeon...

There’s a big pile of massive plants. Can’t really see much apart from the Glueberries.


^ that’s the GG.. I can’t really reach it tho..

^ Blue dream’atic.

Fookin chaos in there... what have you got me into Wilee? [emoji33]


What a Fookin mess! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji1360]
:drool: Nice work! :d5: :pimphand:
Well... [emoji848]

They should be twice the size they are now Sanger but for the furry little bastard that ate them..

TBH mate they’re loving the sun but could do with a bit more water.

Torrential downpours in my neighborhood today - will try to push some off in your direction.:greenthumb:
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Ah Vadders you're getting as bad as me. Bitch and complain when things in the dungeon aren't going well. Bitch and complain when things in the dungeon are going too good. Next you'll be bitching and complaining because there is nothing to bitch and complain about.:crying::crying::cheers: