Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler


There we go. Keggz will start a couple of each strain tomorrow (if the lazy fooker gets round to it) [emoji16]
I know what you mean Ribbz. My sister in law was married to one, he’s had private detectives following her for a couple of years!

Fookin weirdo. [emoji849]
Yep, sounds like a Dane. He wasn't called Jens by any chance? :crying:
Jens and martin, everyone in DK is called Jens or Martin
Nope, neither of them! [emoji23]

Don’t wanna say too much more cos I’m making a trail to myself. [emoji6]
He must be the other name they sometimes use here.
Fucking strange bunch of people though.
Every mornig I wake up, look out the window, and think, bollocks, I'm still here :pass:
He must be the other name they sometimes use here.
Fucking strange bunch of people though.
Every mornig I wake up, look out the window, and think, bollocks, I'm still here :pass:

Hehe... they’ll definitely think the same about us tho bud! Everyone’s called Dave or Chris here apart from the kids who are all called Alfie. [emoji41]