Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

You may find this hard to believe, itisher is a serial complainer.

We've had a free holiday, a half price holiday, she ordered a dress from m & s once, she complained so much they gave her the dress, her money back and a crate of cava.

Sounds like there's money to be made in moaning.

Mrs V's an expert in this field.. I'll get her on it.. problem is she usually only moans at me.
Anyhoo.. I've got all the bits together and it'll be 100% set up in an hour or two, just waiting for the seeds to pop.
Hope you have better luck with the autopots than I did Vlad, my two plants hated the shared res :crying:. I got lucky with the pair in the wilma...
Righto.. I'm back from the land of the dragon (my mum included) and here's what's cracking in the dungeon...

I'll call it day 2 cos I wasn't here yesterday.

^ The White Cheese. The 2nd one has lost its shell but seems reluctant to come out of the coco. I know it's nice in there but FFS... Gorilla Glue on standby. The other one's doing great tho. [emoji1360]


^ Green Crack. Both up and at em, could have done with the domes off these two yesterday really cos they're a lil bit singed on the tips, most likely due to moisture on the leaves. Doing ok tho. [emoji16]

Team pic..

I've left the dome on the retard for now, let's see how she fares. Still damp enough in the pots from the other day, I'll check them tomorrow.

Safe. Butt.

Sorry I've been in Wales ennet.

Day 3 and the Green Crack are frazzled.

The recommended dose of a&b on the bottle is 2.5-3.5 ml/L. I gave 0.75 and 0.5ml of root stim. Is that too much cos it certainly looks like it. [emoji51]

Soooo... shall I pull them and start again or soldier on?

Opinions please.

Here's the Cheeses...

They're a bit odd looking too so I've given them all a dribble of water pH 5.8 and stuck the domes back on til tomorrow.

HELP! [emoji26]

Team pic..

Day 3 and the Green Crack are frazzled.

The recommended dose of a&b on the bottle is 2.5-3.5 ml/L. I gave 0.75 and 0.5ml of root stim. Is that too much cos it certainly looks like it. [emoji51]

Soooo... shall I pull them and start again or soldier on?

Opinions please.

Here's the Cheeses...

They're a bit odd looking too so I've given them all a dribble of water pH 5.8 and stuck the domes back on til tomorrow.

HELP! [emoji26]

Team pic..

Thought they looked a bit toasted on ya pic earlier, just gi' it a flush and pop two more in day or two if no improvement. Odd how cheese look fine, maybe GC are sensitive.
Looks like they must be! I can't really flush or they'll wash away Jay!

Good point, surely pouring water in slow, and maybe popping em in a solo cup or something stop em getting damaged, might do the job? I thought no nutes first ten days for seedlings, root stim all good though. They mephisto beans?