Extraction Weed Soda

Interesting concept with the soda. I read the article on the man came up with this weed soda, and he has never smoked pot and has had 2 beers in his whole life. I'm guessing he's got no idea what's a good amount of thc to put in there, and can offer little to no advice on how to improve his own product.

I think JM had the idea, you need an emulsifier. In the states they like to add brominated vegetable oil in popular drinks like gatorade, mountain dew etc. heres an article that explains it. http://fooddemocracy.wordpress.com/...xic-additive-in-many-sports-drinks-and-sodas/

toxic but we still drink it not even knowing it (if you live in the u.s.) Maybe it's in this weed soda too???
I never taste weed soda, I think the taste of the soda in not good, but good for the
health. If I am not wrong please suggest me some benefits.
HAHA! I actually have a kegerator... I can make 5 gallons at a time of beer, soda, etc. I'm tryin to figure out how to get the thc with no alcohol or oil n the mix...

dunno bailer... coco oil might work... but prob seperate unless you had some "emulsifying" agent to hold it in suspension.... I'm thinkin ur hash oil technique and then modify to water base at the end and then infusse to saoda.... and i agree... mine would be much better! :)

I would think that you could start with an alcohol tincture, make your syrup with the infused alcohol. Then heat to evaporate the alcohol. I make a bourbon based BBQ sauce, and I cook the alcohol out so I don't get folks drunk. I have brewed a hash beer before, but it was Meeeh:confused: Now my batch of shroom stout??? That stuff was awesome. 2 bottles was worth an intense 8 hours.

Glycerin is soluble in water and is probably the easiest tincture to add to anything with no taste but the weed's... Also no heat involved in making the final product...