Extraction Weed Soda

Northern Grower

Jan 2, 2011
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This isn't a recipe but more a place to put it, so i can put it up for med use.

Marijuana Soda: Canna Cola or Doc Weed?


Some “hipster” named Clay Butler is reportedly planning to sell soda laced with marijuana aimed for consumers who need it for medical purposes. Here are some questions you might be asking about marijuana soda. The answers are culled from newspaper reports on the subject.

Where can you buy marijuana soda?

The producers are initially targeting the marijuana-friendly state of Colorado so you may have to go to the Centennial State to buy them. According to NBC Bay Area, the soda is scheduled to begin selling in Colorado in February. The manufacturers also have a tentative plan to sell the “beverage” in California sometime in spring.

What will the soda taste like?
Mercury News reports that “the line includes the flagship cola drink Canna Cola, the Dr Pepper-like Doc Weed, the lemon-lime Sour Diesel, the grape-flavored Grape Ape and the orange-flavored Orange Kush”.

How much THC will the soda contain? [Note: THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.]
The THC dosage will be “somewhere between 35 to 65 milligrams” according to Scott Riddell. According to Mercury News, Mr. Riddell is the founder of Diavolo Brands, which is marketing Canna Cola. Mr. Riddell claims that levels of THC in his product “will be substantially below the levels of many drinks now on the market”.

How expensive is the marijuana soda?
Those planning to buy a 12-ounce bottle should be ready to shell out anywhere between $10 and $15.

Is Clay Butler, the man behind this push to popularize marijuana soda, really a hipster?
He may look like one with them long curly hair and all but we’d like to think of him as more of a businessman. Here’s what he says about himself:

“I don’t do drugs. Never have. I never drank, never smoked. I’m a clean-living guy. I’ve had two beers in my whole life, and I remember them both too. No marijuana, I’ve never smoked a cigarette. I take an aspirin when I get a headache. That’s it.”

“Even though, personally, I’m not interested and I don’t think it’s right for me,” said Butler, “I’m a firm believer that adults have an inalienable right to think, eat, smoke, drink, ingest, decorate, dress any way they choose to do so. It’s your life; it’s your body.”
thats pretty cool... how do we do that? must be using hash infused ito the syrup/sugar somehow... or maybe alcohol extracted and then evaporated to just the thc?

I'll be thinking about how to make this too! lol
The THC dosage will be “somewhere between 35 to 65 milligrams” according to Scott Riddell. According to Mercury News, Mr. Riddell is the founder of Diavolo Brands, which is marketing Canna Cola. Mr. Riddell claims that levels of THC in his product “will be substantially below the levels of many drinks now on the market”.

How many milligrams is enough to get high?
If i made my own it'd get me there. :D
He could just use an oil or some thing.
Would that just separate in the bottle you think?

Coconut oil would be good to use but hard to mask the flavor.
HAHA! I actually have a kegerator... I can make 5 gallons at a time of beer, soda, etc. I'm tryin to figure out how to get the thc with no alcohol or oil n the mix...

dunno bailer... coco oil might work... but prob seperate unless you had some "emulsifying" agent to hold it in suspension.... I'm thinkin ur hash oil technique and then modify to water base at the end and then infusse to saoda.... and i agree... mine would be much better! :)
If i made my own it'd get me there. :D
He could just use an oil or some thing.
Would that just separate in the bottle you think?

Coconut oil would be good to use but hard to mask the flavor.

most contain some sort of oil, hence that oil slick look on top of your cola.

"The secret 7X flavor (use 2 oz of flavor to 5 gals syrup):
Alcohol 8 oz
Orange oil: 20 drops
Lemon oil: 30 drops
Nutmeg oil: 10 drops
Coriander oil: 5 drops
Neroli oil: 10 drops
Cinnamon oil: 10 drops"

you could make it "The Secret 8X flavour.. :)

my favourite cola

botanically brewed using fermented ginger... mmmmm

Maybe one day they will do this one.
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Try Thomas Kemper Ginger Beer Thai Buddha Man. I think you will really enjoy it. It was the best I found when I lived in the US :hump:
In Colorado anyway, Keef Cola is one I see at most dispensaries, also a stronger incarnation is Keef Cola Extreme (not always in stock). Personally I do not get high from any amount of edibles, I guess that's just my metabolism of cannabinoids...

---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 PM ----------


Here is a link that should answer all your questions about homemade sodas with weed...