Weed smells bud dosent??

Aug 9, 2019
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So my weed was drying on a rack for 5 days then I put it into paper bags in my wardrobe.... When I walk into my room I can smell it whne I open the wardrobe the weed smells dank... But when I open the paper bag.. I can't smell anything.... Like the bud dosent smell at all... Can anybody help?
it will get its smell once you jar it up and start burping it and the cure begins most of mine gets its smell then
So my weed was drying on a rack for 5 days then I put it into paper bags in my wardrobe.... When I walk into my room I can smell it whne I open the wardrobe the weed smells dank... But when I open the paper bag.. I can't smell anything.... Like the bud dosent smell at all... Can anybody help?
Tons of variable at play here.. What are the temps in the drying area? Did you trim? Wet trim or dry trim? Do the stems snap or break yet? The loss of smell could be anything from harvesting to early to not having enough leaves left on while drying..

Most people either use a drying rack, or a brown bag. They normally don't use both. The purpose of the brown bag is to keep smells and humidity inside the bag while drying. I can't see a reason to put buds in a paper bag after 5 days of drying on a rack.

But more info is needed to have a good idea of what it might be.
Perhaps you're just noseblind... happens to the best of us.
Just when you think it doesn't smell, you go into a dollar store with a nugg in your pocket, and people start looking around for a skunk.
A few years ago, I was on a med for something that affected taste and smell and had to rely on my gf to make sure I didn't smell skunky....lol...didn't always check enough!
My drying habit is rough trim, hang dry for 3 days...final trim, put in brown bags till jarred at about 65%...burped til then cured.
Of course, methods change with the season. Smell typically increases with proper dry and cure.
think about some air exchange cause some plants at first just smell when you touch them or after you water
shake the bag up, get the bottom buds to the top every once and awhile if your going to use the paper bag then refer to
Proph post , " I can't see a reason to put buds in a paper bag after 5 days of drying on a rack."
I usually use paper bags when I'm low on weed and want to speed process up, I think the paper sucks the moiture out of the weed faster or it's just a hippie wise tale. When I'm really desperate I'll wrap some weed in paper towel and microwave it for 15-20 seconds that will suck the wet out of it like a hooker at a shriner convention.
Thanks guys I put in jars last night and there's a slight smell coming.. Hopefully it will get better
You can up the terpene content of your weed by adding UVA light to the grow the last 4 weeks before harvest. I now use 2 - 48" AgroMax UV Plus 10,000k lamps in my grows. It really pumped up the terps! I also use 1 - 48" AgroMax Pure UV (75% UVB 25% UVA) the last 3 weeks a couple of hours mid-day. This increases THC.