Old Reviews Wedryer for drying weed?

I put my stanky strains in my wedryer.

The rest go in 4 foot tall double lined Lawn and Garden paper bags. Wet trimmed and then I use both. I put pin holes in paper bags and open those once a day. I don't shake the bag (u lose trichs that way), but I move buds around by hand. Roll up the bags and stick em in a dresser drawer.

The house is 68 degrees with 50% RH. my basement is 59 with 24 to 28% RH
Wow, so what’s the point of the wedryer?
you should be curing your smoke for a month no matter what your drying method is. the wedryer is amazing imo. dries buds in 4 to 7 days on average when wet trim and buds are ready to smoke right away and have terps and flavor. seal them up in a jar for a month after and opens up her true beauty.
I do have it, and I ordered it from Amazon! I wasn't expecting it to be of such good quality, but it turned out to be a perfect one! I read some comments, and people would complain that it takes more than 2 weeks for the plants to dry, but they're dumb cause the plants/herbs are of different sizes, and obviously, the time will vary. It's super easy to use, and you can even use it indoors. The one that I've got is a bit big, so it's not really easy to store, but there are plenty more online of different sizes and different prices. Definitely get one! I'd also recommend getting a bubbler since they're super affordable and easy to use! I got mine from https://mjarsenal.com/collections/all-bubbler-products, and I love it!