Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

We haven't yet, however the drip is increasing, when we start seeing the main news networks incorporating the UFO agenda into their daily rotation, just know that it's more than likely the start of what those conspiracy folks call Blue-Bleam. :eyebrows:
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I think aliens have abducted my kittens! I have no idea what happened to them. I haven't seen him in over three days now. That's not good with all this heat. I don't know if other animals got them or the Mama cat took them off somewhere. They were just beginning to socialize well also.:oops1:
About 30 minutes after I posted this, I went to the back porch and there were little farts ...... Chowing down on the food I had put out about an hour before.
They must have just came up. They were voraciously eating their cat food and their little bellies we're not filled.
I have no idea where these little stinks went too for three freaking days! The only thing I can figure out ,a mob of coons, momma and her four little ones, chase them off.
Their Mama is just plain stupid with very poor maternal instincts. She should have been able to track them down and find them!
I wonder if aliens have an endocannabinoid system?
If they do I bet they'd like this! :eyebrows:

I wonder what they prefer? Rosin or flower?
@WildBill :toke: Both ! their very high tolerance, so they put a dab on a joint! :goauto:
I need to find out how to signal those fuggers! Maybe if they like that, oh so golden, Mangos N Chem, they might trade me some seeds or cuttings of their space weed!............... Although, I have my suspicions that some of the Breeders here on AFN have already done just that!
We might just have some AM0 weed floating around AFN! (AM0.......Alien Modified Organism)

shhhhhhhhhhh! Keep this on the lowdown! If the California Cannabis regulators find out about the possibility of this, they're gonna institute genetic testing! And then they're gonna have some sort of label attached to it!

Here's a couple. :eyebrows:


This product contains AMO CANNABIS!
The properties have not been thoroughly examined!

edit............I think we need to ask Stan Daz and Adam their stance on AMO CANNABIS! That might prove interesting! :eyebrows:

@Twenty20 Adam
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