Live Stoner Chat WE ARE NOT ALONE!

The Moon was brought to Earth by the Dracos to allow for tides on Earth, tides help the sea creatures to get to the land, as well it was their base to keep an eye on their new farm/Earth.

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So moon = RTC Remote Tidal Controller
Earth = CPU Central Pharming Unit
From what I understand the Earth is some sort of recording device which processes data, just like you say, a CPU. It's then sent on to those energies that inhabit the sun and it's super computer.
So those Draco Lizards are keeping us on the hoof! until they are Hungary.
"life is natures way of preserving meat"
From what I understand the Earth is some sort of recording device which processes data, just like you say, a CPU. It's then sent on to those energies that inhabit the sun and it's super computer.
Earth was created as a "Living Library" All of the information of our universe is stored here as well as 21 other planets. As everything is connected all the time Earth will be the place to ask questions from the Librarians. If you want to know how this information is provided to the entity by the Earth Librarians, send me a PM. So yes info has been sent here since day one of Earths creation. It has been stored and continues to store as new data all the time. Changes will continue and they maybe bigger and badder. Every "shock" that we get here on Earth creates opportunities for advancing consciousness.

When the fires comes across the plaines or fire destroys part of a forrest we all know that new life will spring from the ashes. It is the way of things on Earth. Do you hear it and it feel it?

Love is the creativity of this existence and this existence does not exits without it. Light is information. John Lennon was right all we need is love. Ya Ya Ya

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." -John Lennon
Love and Light to everything

So, Harvested the tall Pheno Bruce Banner, trimmed and hung. never remembered to take pictures. :doh:
so took some leaning on old desk. trimmed and harvested one more, a short Bruce Banner. one more Bruce to go , and Scotland will be Bruceless.:goauto: the two chem bomb need a few more days.:bighug:Happy New Universe to all. :toke:
Hi @MR magoo ,

@kfigerm . welcome. :toke: I see you joined up here in 2012. who were you before?? like me.

just another european stoner. Began my ride here and I'm still the same buddy. Had a long time off, cos of some health issues.
The thread topic .... well, times when I was THAT stoned are long gone...but your plants look georgious mate!
Love and Light to all those conscious beings, who are raising their vibration for 2023.

The days will once again grow longer as darkness diminishes, having passed the Winter Solstice. It is time that we in this Creation begin to rebuild our knowledge of cycles and seasons, which requires that we comprehend the Skyclock and its relationship to our bodies and our lives. Much effort has been spent to ensure that we remain lost in cycles, in an unknowing existence, meant to separate us from our birthright. The calendar has been changed. The months have been changed. The zodiac has been changed. The constellations and their boundaries have been changed. And each year at the equinoxes man-made clocks are changed, to ensure we remain detached from, and lost in, cycles beyond our comprehension. As an example, only the moon determines a month (moonth), and yet this critical cycle is ignored, in our inverted and fearful time. The moon is also closely tied to the reproductive cycles of women, who ensure life will continue in this Creation. There are many cycles currently lost to us. From luminary cycles, to eclipse cycles, to the end of so-called ages, all forgotten, by the many. And while there are those in this realm who do comprehend cycles, it is time for the many to regain this critically important knowing. When we see “events” in this realm, they are tied to time of year (seasons cycle) and many other longer cycles which bring different energies and possibilities into this realm. And as we experience these “events”, we remain blind to the how and why, which has been leveraged by those who comprehend. The Skyclock cycles are key on our path of finding a state of higher humanity. And yet, we remain in a state of unknowing fear driven by those bent on control and inversion in a realm that could be paradise. On this Holy-Day I would sincerely like to wish every living being in the realm a happy, healthy and higher-minded new era. For surely, change is upon us, and surely, we can all reach for higher-humanity based on compassion, respect for all life and appreciation of this Creation (and its cycles) – which provides all we have ever needed. Surely it is time we end this fearful and manufactured inversion of reality and regain our connection to this realm via cycles of the Skyclock – the fingerprints of this Creation, of which we are all beneficiaries by birth. Truly, there is no lie in Nature, which is, and remains the measure of all things in this Creation. (Crrow777)
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