Nutrients Wawashell runs BioTabs on Forgotten Cookies Against Cyco Platinum Forgotten Cookies All CoCo Grow in

5gal BioTabs
Forgotten Cookies
This girl is doing great now! After I caught the over watering and corrected. She has exploded in growth. This one was not as troubled like the Forum Stomper. She is starting to branch nicely. And where I thought I topped her, a shoot is coming out, so maybe I didn’t do this one right, but who knows. Will see how she grows. I have still been doing a little LST, and soon the branches will also be.
3gal Cyco Flower
Forgotten Cookies
This girl is doing amazing so far. I must of not over watered this one as bad as the others. She is just chugging right along. Branching nicely, coloring is back, just all around doing great. Also been LSTing her and soon the branches will also be.
So far so good on both Forgotten Cookies. BioTabs is holding up fairly well and is keeping up with the Cyco Platinum Forgotten Cookies. The Cyco 3gal is taller, but only due to the BioTabs 5gal being LSTed heavier. Both have branches coming up all over the place. Even the branches are starting to get branches. So far pretty amazed with this strain. Really liking the BioTabs, all I have to do is water from weeks 1-4, easy peasy. Not sure about the BioTabs and CoCo though. Actually works really well, but I think the next run will be in soil (maybe)
Sorry lack of posting in thread, but been doing the family thing before the end of the minion’s summer.
But the girls were never unchecked. 5 gal. BioTabs Forgotten Cookies is doing AMAZING. A little super cropping here and there, some leaf tucking there and here. Branching mostly even except new lower stuff. Some were trimmed and some left. She drinks a ton, but that’s expected.
So far so good on both Forgotten Cookies. BioTabs is holding up fairly well and is keeping up with the Cyco Platinum Forgotten Cookies. The Cyco 3gal is taller, but only due to the BioTabs 5gal being LSTed heavier. Both have branches coming up all over the place. Even the branches are starting to get branches. So far pretty amazed with this strain. Really liking the BioTabs, all I have to do is water from weeks 1-4, easy peasy. Not sure about the BioTabs and CoCo though. Actually works really well, but I think the next run will be in soil (maybe)[/QUOTE

Rocking it mate!
try you next run the BioTabs with the soil, you will see it will grow a bit better.
Our bacteria and micro organisms, there natural habitat is soil.

Have a good grow!
Thanks, but I do agree to an aspect. Been a chore keeping up with her compared to the 3 gal SmartPot Forgotten Cookies. But then again both are in Coco. But she is doing well and looking good. Ended up with some leaf burns due to the light being to close. I should have raised the light before I left for the weekend last week. Live and Learn.

I will definitely be doing Soil with the BioTabs next run.
Sorry took so long to post something guys.

5 gal Forgotten Cookies w/ BioTabs
I have been fighting a deficiency pretty much all this month. What I thought was a light burn ended up bieng P deficiency. Got everything pretty much under control and doing good now.