Watever you do, Don't Talk about the Weather

Do you know what a chemtrail is... Its a derivative, a "nickname" actually, given to contrails, condensation, Con-Trails by a demographic of this world we would consider, abnormal and less then 5000 in population and 80% above the ages of 45.

But I'm secretly putting unobtanium in my dwc water. HA (which I acquired secretly.)[/QUOTE Ah to be as smart as you yes I know what a chemtrail is It is a trail of chemicals being sprayed at high altitude by air forces around the world. Condensation trails are what is expelled by jet engines at high altitude. So I am abnormal your statement I have read several times and frankly you make no sense at all

Lol wtf are you saying. Is English your first language? I can't get past your grammer. Your mad, I can tell bro. But chill, ill send you some unobtanium. Im not going to explain the joke everyone else on here gets. UN-Ub-Tanium (tainable) Get it. Joke. Making fun of chemtrails and the silly bs people think about instead of just growing and living life.

Dammit i need to go! my secret jardin giger counter is going off. Too much uranium in my mix. That or propylene glycol. Which isn't radioactive, but this bottle is special. I got it from the government. To the Bud mobile!


Thanks for posting this JM! IMHO many folks are just typical sheeple and believe what ever the propagandists want them to believe or not.

That governments have been messing with our atmosphere and trying to play god with the ionosphere for decades is a known fact. You either make yourself knowledgeable, or you eat your fucking slices of moon cheese and drown wondering why.
Wake the fuck up.
That governments have been messing with our atmosphere and trying to play god with the ionosphere for decades is a known fact. You either make yourself knowledgeable, or you eat your fucking slices of moon cheese and drown wondering why.
Wake the fuck up.

couldn't have said it better... :check: :stight:
It sucks the global elite treat us as cattle because they fancy themselves as gods. The evil occultist pedophiles will have whats coming to them in the end. Knowledge is the ultimate truth, and you can only try and hide it for so long. I will say, as my biggest complaint to people these days... stay the hell away from the propaganda machine, aka the TV!
stay the hell away from the propaganda machine, aka the TV!

right the eff on!
why would you anyway? preprogrammed vs internet... whatever you want, when you want... wherever your mind can wonder... why be hypnotized by stupidity and drama?
Guys The reality is were all gonna die one way or the other. we as individuals cannot control the rich and powerful. I believe This planet is an autoflower with a timer. just take small doses of Xanax smoke a fatty and enjoy the ride..

planetEarth has a "destiny" it cant be changed..

Unless JM invents a mind controlling device! :Sharing One: