Indoor Water only with kindsoil - 3 Delicious Critical Neville Haze Autoflower with 600 led watts in a 2x4

Today is September 24, 2016 Time is 9:29am

She is now 29 days old she is entering her preflower stage . She has been introduced into a lot Stress. After it all. I will let her grow without my intrusion. She seems to like 73 degrees and a RH of 55 . The light is 3 feet from the plants. 7 inches tall. The dark purple is 4 inches tall. She was born September 8, 2016. She had one cup of water. The haze had 4 cups.

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Thank you Sir. I hope she turns out OK. I want her to be fat. And full.

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If your just learning defol go slow, you have to be able to read your plants. But after you get good at that then you can change their size and / or shape at will and push what the gentics are capable of to the max .

Begginers version: defol is basicly clipping off leaves you would normally tuck. You can gain in height and yield.

Some strains take to it better than others.

Same with some phenos.

When I do it I clip the fan leaf stem with my thumbnail against my index finger. Leave about 1/4 inch stem stub though. She will seal the stub, eat it, and then it will fall off.

If she looks happy tomorrow or the day after then see if you can find 2 more large mid to upper fan leaves that are blocking light to new growth and clip them as well.

Done right you can eventually end up with a dozen main colas and more height.

You can slowly do this until she flowers to influence height, and you can do it through 4/5 of the grow to influence yield.

If she looks unhappy for 2 or 3 days you can still do it, but much slower. If she looks unhappy for 4 or 5 days she might be a plant that doesn't like it at all.

This is just a very basic explanation, I've got a link somewhere that explains it in more detail with pics.


Hello friend when do think I should stop cutting her. She 29 days old and showing sex as female. She is supposed to be a 60 days strain.
I want to continue working on her but wondering if it still safe. She never showed stress from cutting.

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Today is September 25 2016

Sunday the time is 8:53am

The dark purple auto is 4 inches and 16 days old. She already showed me her gender and she is female.( 2 week stage)

The haze is 30 days today I worked her into slow mode. ( 4 week stage). She's looking good considering all that I did to her. I will say she is very strong. I cannot smell her yet. I know I can do better. I'm growing her sloppy with hard hands. To see what happens when I involve myself.

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