Indoor Water only with kindsoil - 3 Delicious Critical Neville Haze Autoflower with 600 led watts in a 2x4

32 days old.

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Day 35, taken earlier.

Did you swap lights?
No not yet I really dont want to leave the kindsoil I love it. I'm on the wall with the new set up. On another note we may have some bad news I think she may now be a male. If so I'm going to try photos and kindsoil with 1 auto while the mothers hit Development. I hope I'm wrong about her being a male. Instead I think it is more important to set mother clone room in this and buy another kind led for a 1200 watt flower room. Use a T5 44 for mothers and clones.

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Do you have a pic why you think its a male?

Lets talk before you buy another light. Ill message you.
If the swollen sacks have a pistil coming from them they are supposed to be there, gearing up for budding.
I pulled mine off, no other problems. Was at 2 nodes only
I think they are still girls. A few day we will tell. Maybe these will work 225 Watt Cree CXB3590 (3) COB Grow Light Kit


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Great kit! I have a 2 light setup like that and one conversion of an old light.


Its in a 4x4 tent. 2x4 3 would be good for 2 plants.