Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

**((( Pt.1 Update on this Speed Queen)))**

...Just a little something to marvel at,...This F1 Fast is as quick as an full auto!...All the speed, none of the prissiness- :roflcry: (recall, in pot 8/3)...my thanks to KUDO for lending me his killer Green Poison icon! :Coolio:​

016.jpg<--From 3 days ago...

018.jpg<--Doobie -top shot as requested!
****{{{{ DRIED BUD PORN: RED POISON'S and bonus MoB }}}}****

...get your coats on, bust out the scarf!... :D:

002.jpg 003.jpg 004.jpg<--older, lighter color RP; has a delish' dark fruit /sweet aroma, mild spiciness; net 8.7g

005.jpg 006.jpg 007.jpg<--younger, shorter, darker RP; more spicy/earthy, less sweet/fruit; net 10.2g

[Maines Own Blueberry- MoB,...still has a little more drying to do, but almost done...hypnotic blueberry/head shop incense/sweet floral aromatics -->008.jpg009.jpg

011.jpg 010.jpg
Gorgeous waira! Absolutely gorgeous grow! :slap: If it smokes as good as it looks you are in for a treat.
Very nice :High 5:

You are my favorite outdoor grower :Cushty: jealous....

Bravo! And they keep rolling along waira's outdoor assembly line.

Just say :no: to the dispensaries. Unless, you drive by and become aromatically hypnotized by pines and lemons.
...when it rains, it pours,...
:booya: The younger SwSp waved the finish flag at me this morning, so Chop-Eyes swooped in and swept her off to the dry rack!! 9.5 weeks and done! This little gem has such a cool shape to her,...(Astro, I already know where you're gonna go with this, now that I take a second look!! LMAO!!-:twist:)... she's been playing chameleon with her aromatics,...thebubblegum notes have been replaced with a lemony-citrus aroma,...aaw...yaaay! :Stones slap: ...her trich' coverage is still even heavier than her sisters :wiz:.... This is a fantastic strain that doesn't get the chances she should! As a plant to grow, their performance is right at the top across the board... :thumbs: Her name says it all,... I'm going nuttters waiting to try them both! Thank you Sweet Seeds for this tried and true beauty!! I'm singing her gospels to all...​

002.jpg 004.jpg
What strain is that? I love it.
A4} Thank you brudda! RP is still a bit raw in her buzz, but it's very potent! MoB maybe gets a taste tomorrow,...

Condiman!! You're far too kind, my friend... if you saw my first grow, and some of my second, you might not "hire me" after all,..! :roflcry:

Alan, you know the deal,... I'm making hay while I can!
Just say :no: to the dispensaries. Unless, you drive by and become aromatically hypnotized by pines and lemons.
<-- Truer words, brother...-LOL!! If I find that Pineapple Thai or Agent Orange, or something like them, I can say yes for a moment!...:brow:

:smoke: My thanks to all who visit, comment , and support!! :hug: It's just the
left now...the last of the Sweet Fall Girls!!...meantime, she's putting on a proper show!
:roflcry: Bromeo, you weren't kidding about the Cocker Spaniel thing, were you!! :Stones slap: :WTF: Sweet Special is the strain,... Time to bust out the blonde wig, my friend!! :D:...just came from your Lab, BTW....