Hey, you're back
@Biotabs F69 !... How was the trip to Berlin mate? And your tent ladies...?


"nice squat"-- you mean spot, or is that a Danish slang term?
Sniper buddy, thanks for swinging by my friend! ... These little black colored flier aphids are unstoppable man, even if they don't feed much, they still crap babies all over right away... fuckers are like bacteria!

I patrol and clean often enough that nothing establishes , and clearly they don't like the plant taste, but it doesn't stop them from spewing larvae all over,... by bloom, the population dwindles a lot, so there's that,... but the fekkin' caterpillars and bud worm start showing up! So far this product repels them too after a few chews on the plant,...

.... Ladybugs won't stay long, if there's not enough food, they bail!
>>> Stickmon 
-- I gave that Punta Rojo a serious look this year, but after the drama of the Acapulco Golds last year, finishing times were a big concern,... but now you say folks in similar climates managed OK?

-- Right then! On the list she goes,.. I sure love the AG's for the superb buzz and aromatics!
.... All but the PTW are in true 10gal pots (Hydrofarm dirt pot), she's in a 7,... I bought some Smart Pots (?), and when I compared them, they were way bigger,.. looked them up and measured too,.. these assholes are making 13+ gal pots and calling them 10's! -- WTF?!

... brought them back and showed the shop this fucked up manufacturing policy! ....Yeah, the tall white pots are great! Perfect shape, white color won't build heat,...

a Goodwill score?! Nice, and what a price!.. looks like somebody had their grow op' nix'ed,... Oh, these are 1.6L ones, I have a couple 3gal+, but the Dendrobium speciosum's are in them!... About $500 worth of plants there, so they get first dibs!
EoF brudda, I can't believe your still standing after that last round of harvest!

.... thanks dude, I'm due to see how the Guerilla Tabs grow is going,....

- all good in the 'hood?