Nutrients Waira's next photo' op' with Biotabs!

They all looks beautiful...however WTF is up with the Sour Bubble Chem D X there allowed to be that much crystal on a plant?? :D Seriously bud! So ahh mold free on the Sour Bubble? Smell on that strain? Projected outdoor finish time and flower duration?
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Oh hey buddy...i might be down...but i am sure as shit not down and out
Blue Widow still clipping along despite frost


More pics on my thread(not for sensitive eyes though if you fear pillaged girl pics!!!)
.... GS:pass: ... thank you my friend, I feel so bad for you still, but am heartened by the sight of the rest of the girls,...:greenthumb:.... so, the SBCDAOG- :rofl:- this is a left over cross from mephisto gear that i ran last season, but didn't have room for,... Waxi' grew one, and the bud was excellent! All of them are just-for-fun crosses, never meant to be sold, all F1/S1, so they are what they are! And this one is not very mold resistant, only the great weather is holding it at bay on her,.. she has the look of vulnerability to the buds, IMO, and while she's not terrible like Atomic, if you were to run her, I'd do it inside,... I'd have to look back, but she started flowering mid-Aug or so, and is done what, about 6 weeks later? :coffee: So, I'd say she'd be a gamble for you, but maybe worth it? Perhaps kept in a smaller pot, something "portable", as a most personal stash for you! .....Aroma on Waxi's was floral, and as mentioned she had distinct rose notes! ..this one is sweet floral too, maybe some rose in there? We'll see what dry and cure brings out,... her resin production is spectacular though, right?! :bow::spels:
.... GS:pass: ... thank you my friend, I feel so bad for you still, but am heartened by the sight of the rest of the girls,...:greenthumb:

The girls (or I) will not go down without a fight if it comes to that!! Hopefully the bullshit is over, and i can now concentrate on the shifting

so, the SBCDAOG- :rofl:- this is a left over cross from mephisto gear that i ran last season, but didn't have room for,... Waxi' grew one, and the bud was excellent! All of them are just-for-fun crosses, never meant to be sold, all F1/S1, so they are what they are! And this one is not very mold resistant, only the great weather is holding it at bay on her,.. she has the look of vulnerability to the buds, IMO, and while she's not terrible like Atomic, if you were to run her, I'd do it inside,... I'd have to look back, but she started flowering mid-Aug or so, and is done what, about 6 weeks later?

Quite a mouthful she is!! Darn too bad about mold resistance....the crystal makes me want her big time!! Ahh Xmas morning genetics...never know what you are gonna get!! :D Mmm i do like floral/perfume pot for sure!! Hmm though i dont know if it would be worth it or not with our sketchy weather and necessary early finish time...despite the thief BS, i am not prepared to give in to pot growing. ;) Same place next season...come and get it you sons of bitches! Ever dangle a worm in front of a fish? Well after this season i am going to like to dangle giant green worms in front of hidden security cameras. They are in serious trouble!!
Just WOW dude, stunning pics :worship::slap:. Finishing this grow despite the mold and problems has brought you some grade A+++ dank it seems, very nice job :d5:.
Great picture gallery! Night time shots really bringing out the resin. And there's plenty of it! Lovely stuff bro.

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:face:-- what a space I am- :rofl:...pardon!

>> GS, :amazon: that's the attitude I want to see! :d5: ... and I'm thinking this was a few punk-ass dipshits who were just on the scam, not skilled dope thieves... they fucked up, and showed their hand as such! Even those fucktards realize that now the security is going way up, and it's not worth it to risk it again,....
....gotta get to your thread to respond, but took a quick peek- :woohoo1:-- there's some phatness still going on, and despite the shite weather, they're holding up! :yay::karmacloud: .... I'm dying right now, just got done processing the Cannalope Haze... She finished well, and fast just as advertised!..... PTW and 'Phisto cross are in jars moisture equalizing- :thumbsup:- PTW yielded really well for a small plant, and frosty as hell too, solid nugg's,.... 'Phisto cross is forming a fuel-ish background aroma now,... I'll get porn up soon! So, only Psico left now, and she's near done too, this week she'll come down... I'd like to get one last round of night shots first though! :eyebrows: ..buds are very nice, fat kinda fluffy, lots of resins, wonderful aroma... sweet fruit and incensey, and that "Haze" aroma,... :pass:
:face:-- what a space I am- :rofl:...pardon!

>> GS, :amazon: that's the attitude I want to see! :d5: ... and I'm thinking this was a few punk-ass dipshits who were just on the scam, not skilled dope thieves... they fucked up, and showed their hand as such! Even those fucktards realize that now the security is going way up, and it's not worth it to risk it again,....
....gotta get to your thread to respond, but took a quick peek- :woohoo1:-- there's some phatness still going on, and despite the shite weather, they're holding up! :yay::karmacloud: .... I'm dying right now, just got done processing the Cannalope Haze... She finished well, and fast just as advertised!..... PTW and 'Phisto cross are in jars moisture equalizing- :thumbsup:- PTW yielded really well for a small plant, and frosty as hell too, solid nugg's,.... 'Phisto cross is forming a fuel-ish background aroma now,... I'll get porn up soon! So, only Psico left now, and she's near done too, this week she'll come down... I'd like to get one last round of night shots first though! :eyebrows: ..buds are very nice, fat kinda fluffy, lots of resins, wonderful aroma... sweet fruit and incensey, and that "Haze" aroma,... :pass:

Cant wait to see some pics bud!! Yeah i am on my last legs is really falling apart...lots of rain and ripping humidity. Starting chopping one after another tomorrow with the think fast first(which was actually the only friggin plant i was able to take to perfect maturation this whole season...other then the FCJ could have went the full duration) Maybe widowbomb, and maybe blue widow. Atomic last
Holy Nodal Spacing Waira! :drool:


Those branch spacers are cute! If i lived one state closer, i'd be tempted to sneak over there in the darkest part of night and replace those spacers with EXACT replicas ..... only made of cheese! :rofl:

... and wait for the confused update! :rofl:

Rocking is as usual my green fingered friend! :D
