-- thanks
@Rebel , now it's the easy-fun part-- testing them out!

I like to get a few rounds in, at different times/circumstances to get a good feel of the uncured buzz/aromatics,.. you know, that first toke of the day,.. plus, first tokes of most any new bud hits a bit harder initially!... so far, I'm very happy with all for potency-

... CC is nice, kinder-gentler buzz, balanced... TF is stronger, an uppy Sati' lift, then a relaxing cruise,...

oh oh!- dudette, remember the comic strain name El Estupido? Well, I now have
the candidate for that, the Mephisto cross!

-- I was telling FD the other night, trying to PM him with some difficulty-

... had to give up, no lie, just hopelessly spaced out, double digit IQ all the way! Crushing high, girlfriend, you gotta get one in the pot ASAP-

,.... PTW has a big can of whup-ass too, but only a couple tries, so I need to nail her down better,... C' Haze I tried a few hits of dried bits, and got an impressive sativa-blast off from it! ..buds are very old school looking to my eyes,classic Sativa,.. open structure, maybe a bit leafy,..very monochromatic, bracts are hard to distinguish,... not impressive looking at a quick glance,.. but look closely, and there's tons of fine, fine short stalk trichs in there,.. So, I think prime bud will be fierce, zippy-trippy shizzle, just what I wanted! .... and I just tried a wee budlet of Psico, cut last week--

-- wow! similar to Haze, but with that 30% "Indica" making itself heard with some nice body relaxation,.... She too is a must-grow ASAP for you as well!

... unlike C' Haze, her resins are much more prominent, less open structure,...very sticky, a total PITA to trim though!
>> :smoking: hey
Clix, what's good mate? thanks for popping in and giving me a slap!
Dudeski, that's what I want to see, you and Reb, indoor with this strain! She makes good branching early, node stacked pretty tightly, strong lateral development from these as well, so topping may not be needed, or even wise? I wonder that she might "over-bush", and force some branch trimming to keep things open enough-?
Kanop' :smoking:... where I live, the day/night at Solstice is right at 14/10,... their location isn't quite that open, so they miss the first couple hours of sunrise, last few before sunset,... right now, total actual Sun exposure isn't more than 8 hours,.. as the Sun angle steepens too, I start tilting the plants back to expose side and lowers to better blasting, which also eases exposure on the tops... all this help ripen more evenly usually,....