Nutrients Waira's next photo' op' with Biotabs!

thats what they say,ill put em to the test in about a week n something. if they are great youll prolly hear about it cuz I might do a small HEY thread abou tthe scissors if my trimmers and myself like them. ill keep you posted though. sap resistant and fluorine coated .?!! mmmm should be good. my only issue will be does it come off easily from either an alcohol wipe and blade scraping off the coating,so we'll see.
:d5: Shweeeeet! .... you'll love'm @Eyes on Fire :thumbsup: ... yes, with 91=99% iso', the resin dissolves readily, just be super careful with wiping across the cutting edge, treat it like a knife's, it's that sharp! I wipe in the direction diagonally away from the edge,.... @Only1Sky -- it's not so much that the coating doesn't pick up resin, nothing will stop that, but I find it does stick and accumulate less, and leafy bits fall of more easily... cleans off more easily as well,...

>>> :bighug:A-Train my brudda! What's good man?... it's been a scrumm of shit-to-do the last week or so, I'm behind everywhere! :rofl: .. I do have an update here today, but I have to finish processing the Crystal Candy, and chop the little Bubblegum,... Mon. I think the awesome 'Phisto girl is coming down, and Tues. the PTW,... Psico and the C' Haze have at least a week still, but are filling in nicely! Both are classic old school Sativa, open bud structure, lots of very fine trich's,...sweet/spicy/incense aroma blends,...:drool:
~~~{{{ Week 17+ update }}}~~~

:headbang: :woohoo::woohoo1:-- :tang: It's that time folks! ...hence the update delays,... Crystal Candy is down, dry, ready for jars now, weight forthcoming... Think Fast 2nd cut almost dry,... last bit of Atomic in a bag,... Bubblegum taken today,... SourBubble/Chem D' x Alien OG tomorrow, and Purple Trainwreck gets chopped Tues.! :help:... reminds each year me how much I dislike trimming- :rofl:
I'll get dry-porn of CC and TF later tonight- :hump: ..... meantime Psicodelicia and Cannalope Haze are finishing up well, especially Psico!....fat classic Sativa buds, lovely spicy-sweet incensey aroma,...C' Haze along similar lines, not as sweet, more of a metallic/astringent tang to it, sadly zero melon-like aroma:shrug:...... Hands down, the Mephisto cross is the Frost Queen this year, one of the best I've had ever! Amazing floral dominant aromatics, unique to my nose,.... PTW has filled in late, but very well and finished sooner than expected,...the last few days or so she seems to have made a surprise sprint on me!

>>> Cannalope Haze --

>> Sour Bubble/Chem D' x Alien OG --
>>> Psicodelicia--

>>> Purple Trainwreck --- ...odd bud growth on her, little vertical expansion as you can see in the top shots of the tri-head bud here over the last few updates,..

:drool: Crystal Candy--

>>> Think Fast --

... CC aroma now, no cure yet, is sweet over-ripe fruits,... smoke is smooth, similar mild flavor; very good potency, balanced high,...

... TF is a fresher fruit-grape punch aroma, also smooth, stoney as hell, and a nice mellow Sativa-type high,...
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