Waira's 2024 Auto + Photo Mash Up grow gig

View attachment 1703178 :crying: Nuts ahoy!! ....the Greek orgy in there is gonna make SUCH a mess, might as well just toss the tent

when they're done- View attachment 1703184:condom::haha:

.... very well done Billy! View attachment 1703181 ... now the waiting game begins....
I took the very top between my fingers and shook it yesterday, there was a nice little cloud of pollen! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :headbang::headbang::headbang::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If the other girls were a little bit further progressed in their bud formation, I just take one of those reversed and pick it up and just rub it all over the other girls!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:

Yeah, I'm ecstatic as hell with the outcome! I really didn't expect it to work that well!
Going to have a lot of finger hash when going through all that bud to get the seeds and going to have plenty of flower to make some very nice potent oil................................ Ohh yeah! A bunch of seeds!

Well, it looks like your girls that had that "beanpoleitis" Argonne turn out to be pretty decent! At least he's not gonna be near as bad as you thought. As a hobby grower, that's why I say let her run! As amazing as this plant is, you never know what you're going to get in the end!
Aaiiyeeeee.....View attachment 1703229..... I've just gone right off her......

:gassy:. Ohharrh...did I mention I have a CBD problem as well.........?...... I've only tried two...and it was at the start of the CBD revolution...but...I might as well have smoked wet lettuce for all the effect I got.

And...you know my Haze source...one of the Best....and guess what....?....they didn't work for me.......:shrug:.....

I Accept I am an anomaly......:crying:....and a continuous source of frustration......:crying:
I think for CBD to work well with anyone, you have to have a therapeutic level in you. I think the best way is with infused oil. I try to take my oil regularly and then I use vaping or smoking to get to the exact level that I need at that time. I can definitely tell when I don't take my CBD. Now when I say CBD I've only grown supposedly one to ones. I think that entourage effect is definitely a thing!
If we were neighbors, you'd definitely become muh guinea pig test subject! :eyebrows: :funny: :pass:

Jesus! I'm vaping this cobbed Vidamints and it's kicking muh butt!......................... And that is from the second session that I loaded up last night in my vape. I hit it last night before going to bed!
I've got a fresh little slice all chopped up to load back up for some fresh! I got plans of visiting the Oort cloud to see if I see any new comets coming in!:biggrin::pass:
Oink..oink... I'll be your Guinea pig.......... :pighug: ......

Cracking Reversal......:headbang:
So you say that Hazes is generally don't work for you? I'm hoping this Dutch Passion CBD Skunk Haze, that is almost finished, Is good nerve pain medicine. It's kinda pretty interesting terp profile. I don't really smell the skunk in it but it does have a lot of different spicy terps. And it's really kinda had a mix of way the terps made themselves present. One smell would come up and then another would take over and it did that several times. Maybe this uncle pop up just before I harvest her.

Anyway, I'm going to test her pretty soon to see if she works on my nerve pain mainly.

I do have several formulas currently. If you think they would make it through customs without any problem, I'd be happy to send you some samples to test. You know they're potent with them helping Pinky.

Edit.................. Yeah, I'm extremely satisfied with the reversal! At least I found a procedure that worked, at least with that girl.
No Truth in the rumours that you oil yours up for photos ......?.....:eyebrows:...they look so shiny and pristine........for outdoor.....
:rofl:-- the flash does bring out some gloss...
The rich KIS soil and staged transplanting keeps the fan snacking down until late, which is exactly what I want! I am done fussing with multi-part nutes, pH probes, ppms and all that time eating PITA stuff...
I still use a variety of supp's, but those are occasional inputs and help support the soil as much as the plant...

I use am organic systemic called SNS209 (SierraNaturalScience), made from rosemary oil...fouls the sap taste I think, so most vermin fek-off after a taste :chef: :haha:....so less damage to leaves, less chance of disease, and they look better - :rolleyes2:

I've just gone right off her......
...the right pheno might suite you fine, and I'm certain the straight AoF would tickle ya pink! I know the source of this landrace hashplant, and the cat who repro'ed it stateside... The original breeder has a mate in north Paki', who has family there, and brought him seeds from the farm. Some selection work has brought out super nice pheno's! In your climate, it'd be winner I'm sure, and a great breeding choice - :eyebrows:
I tried, but got 3/3 males and they clearly didn't care for the cool often foggy weather near the Bay...

:gassy:. Ohharrh...did I mention I have a CBD problem as well.........?...... I've only tried two...and it was at the start of the CBD revolution...but...I might as well have smoked wet lettuce for all the effect I got.

And...you know my Haze source...one of the Best....and guess what....?....they didn't work for me.......:shrug:.....

I Accept I am an anomaly......:crying:....and a continuous source of frustration......:crying:
I know!
...still surprised that CBD offered you no positive effects. Have you tried a known/tested CBD content product or bud?
CBD does act differently from THC with the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, one reason why the two together seems to work better than either alone for most....

Something in "Sativa" chemistry is behind your bad body reaction to them...And I suspect it's a terpene thing, which there is a scientifically proven consistent difference between NLD and WLD types, generally speaking... Complex modern crosses, maybe not so much but those closer to their landrace origins show this.
Myrcene content is a big part of it, usually much less in "Sati's" (quotes because taxonomically the whole Indi/Sati thing is wrong, purely conventional terms really), and almost always the highest in WLD types...

Anyway, you should get your "I have a cannabis quirk" quote back up! :rofl: --truer words...

I know! View attachment 1703405...still surprised that CBD offered you no positive effects. Have you tried a known/tested CBD content product or bud?
CBD does act differently from THC with the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, one reason why the two together seems to work better than either alone for most....

Something in "Sativa" chemistry is behind your bad body reaction to them...And I suspect it's a terpene thing, which there is a scientifically proven consistent difference between NLD and WLD types, generally speaking... Complex modern crosses, maybe not so much but those closer to their landrace origins show this.
Myrcene content is a big part of it, usually much less in "Sati's" (quotes because taxonomically the whole Indi/Sati thing is wrong, purely conventional terms really), and almost always the highest in WLD types...

Anyway, you should get your "I have a cannabis quirk" quote back up! :rofl: --truer words...
Twenty20 Vidamints Auto works pretty damn well on my Nerve pain! No idea how she would grow outside. She never gave me one bit of problem and it's a very easy girl to grow.

Well, it looks like we're going to preserve the old man's work on Asian Haze.
I've got little swellings of developing seeds all over the place in every single bud site!

Definitely like her performance indoors!
Twenty20 Vidamints Auto works pretty damn well on my Nerve pain! No idea how she would grow outside. She never gave me one bit of problem and it's a very easy girl to grow.

Well, it looks like we're going to preserve the old man's work on Asian Haze.
I've got little swellings of developing seeds all over the place in every single bud site!
She's a quality CBD content auto :thumbsup:...
I have a Honey Peach CBD auto hatched and going now, been 1/2 on this one for results; first one was amazing, super super nice bud, rich interesting aroma, felt right about 1:1... next season the one I got was so far off the mark I questioned it as a labeling/packing fuck up (same vial BTW)... Inferior across the board, not totally shitty but certainly WTF material.
Also had an absolutely shit Ice Cool photo from Sweet as well, and time has shown that I'm not alone in this! Very disappointing from Sweet, not like them, but other iffy results from other cultivars reported by mates has me off them for now.... Used to be one of my fav' companies, so not sure what the deal is here. Bad luck, bad batches, who knows, it all happens so maybe chalk it up to that...

Wow Bill, you should have gotten into porn! :rofl: :hump: -- that is one preggo' Mama! Nicely done brudda :cheers:
Those sinsemilla girls look more like mine did, so we'll see what aroma profile gets expressed....
~~~<<< update time >>>~~~

:woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1: September bloom crush is on! :hump::hump::hump: .... This is always an interesting month for me, to see how various cultivars respond to the switch and their speed to finish.... This year it's running the gamut!

>>> GhostMaverick x 3BOGauto - comes down Sunday, thought this week but she curveballed me with a late flush of flower stacking, so I let her spazz out a bit and fatten/ripen up more... She's stinky at a distance, sugar leaf rub shows a menthol/herbal/sweet funk aroma - :thumbsup:... very solid bud, but holding out well against mold despite some damp foggy nights...

>>> Lavender/MixedPurps x C99a - next in for sure; still plumping and full of white pistils; berry-floral-incense aroma... Finish time has me guessing, she's a slow steady ripener so far... She's the beauty queen so far!
>>> Aunt of Farouk/SensiStar x CBD HazeXL auto ...got a fasciated bud, for amusement!

>>> Collins Ave - man is she smelling nice and funky already! ...resins starting to pour out early, always a great sign...
>>> MelonMadness x StrawDawg - stoked to see these lovely spears forming up! @Jean-O ...She's filling in fast, 3 days later and they are about a third bigger...

>>> FireMoBA5T x C99a - some day and night shots here, since she still does that night droops thing which buggers me aesthetically - :rolleyes2: LOL
