Sounds good. Only orange smell/taste i ever got came from sodk (mephisto)
I just finished up the dinafem gorilla grow.
Was a hard trimming session as im working 12hs atm.
Have a new room set up. And into my 1st photoperiod grow. Nothing documented yet.
Maybe i should document it though.
Helps keep track of things.
Is it just me or have your pictures gotten better recently?
They look great bud

You know, some folks get it all the time, even from strains normally not known for it, others like me get burned repeatedly

.... SODK had hints, so did Himalayan Orange Diesel, but the so called Orange Juice (Tangie really) photo last year was a total wiff,... seriously disappointing to be honest! There's no excuse for such joker results from a long established strain and fem' seeds made from Tangie, Dinafem needs to get better on this kind of stuff. I get there's always a pheno gamble in play, but geeez!... it's not the first Dina' I've had that was a let down truth be told. They have been hit & miss for me historically

If you're in trim-hell, then I guess the grow was a success! ..... Very exciting Woody, a new grow room and your first photo's! I'm sure you'll rock it like always

... what's in there now? ...... Keep an eye out of La Buena Hierba next year (?), LBH is making fem's finally! He's an excellent breeder, quality across the board, but no fem's ever before, but now he's announced they are coming

...have a peek at his site sometime, and start a list!

pics are from the same old beater camera mate, thanks just the same! It takes several shots and some tweaking to get good ones, but it's becoming more and more shakey and the old batteries don't hold charges well anymore either....

Creepers stone probably is a creeper also, Ladies are looking awesome Waira mate

It does appear once bloom starts do so problems like def etc. Vege seems easier lol.
:smoking: thanks Smokey! Creeper is oddly named, it's not
creeper, and it's definitely a Sati' buzz by all reports... I'll find out more in a few weeks!
I wish I knew more about transition stage mate, for sure some serious gear shifting in going on during this time, and it baffles my why it happens only then or not long after,... plants can store most all the mobile nutes, but feeding well enough should cover those bases so the plant doesn't have to turn to the leaves cupboards,... gotta be something else!

... for some, it may be that accumulation of nute salts reaches the level of antagonistic uptake right about then,... that isn't the case for me on this run, neither plant I test-flushed was overloaded in ppm's,... They tip burn at the conc. I run, then get defc. symptoms a bit later even if I up it =

... not uncommon when trying a new nute line though, so clearly some dialing in is needed,... But auto's are so variable, it's something of a moving target!