Waira puckers up for more KIS's with auto & photo ladiez!

--~[[[ update time ]]]~--​

:coffee: August is here already! :yoinks: ... And the season looks to be shaping up to be a later than usual one...

Everybody is now transplanted into 7gal, not 10's which is just gonna have to be good enough... Outta time, outta soil! These pics are only 3 days after, so next update should see some nice growth action I hope... LBH girl is going into bloom as expected, the rest have some work to do yet!

>>> Bluebonic/GG3 x S99v4 - tweaking her structure a bit still, some pruning too... setting bud well so far

>>> Cherry WiFi's - normal girl is finally opening up some, the tri-nodal slow to shoot the branches out... tweaking her as much as I can, she'll end up pretty columnar I figure though,...neat looking plant!

>>> Doors x O.Haze -
looking fine and sexy! They have a nice stem rub aroma, something tropical-fruity mixed in there... Such nice easy plants to grow, no tweaking needed at all, like the LBH girl they are shaping themselves just fine on their own -:greenthumb:.... #3 suspected male confirmed finally, so his days are lowly numbered! The way the wind cycles around that house, there's no place safe to let him mature. I'll offer him up to a couple peep's, if no takers then it's curtains... might be best anyway, given his slow sexing behavior, talking nearly 3 weeks after the first girl showed herself. i suspect he'll be a late finisher, not what's really wanted regardless...
(Larger girl first 3, smaller next 3)....

>>> Garlicane - acting weird still, and now showing more burnt tips; I'm not sure why in this soil, but something is releasing richer than she likes. Stranger still, the top is losing apical dominance, like the burn is retarding the growth, while the immediate set of laterals is taking over... giving that a few more days, and if it persists, fuck-it, I'm going to chop that over congested tip off and let that set of lat's take charge! Congested tops have shown to be an iffy deal more often than not, so nothing to lose there IME...

>>> ChemDSDHz semi-auto - also a nice little gem, can't wait to see the buds she makes!

>>> New Malawi Killer x Orange Glue -this one wanted to be a tree from how she looks and grows! Whatever that hiccup is in the leaves, it's not affecting her negatively that I can tell... And she stanky, like BO and skunk, not a hint of citrus so far....

>>> Tent autos, semi-auto, back-up photo <<<

... big pots, top L-->R
GhostDawgHz x Bubba Trouble (semi-auto); LilMobStar
...bottom is Purple Strawberry Biscotti, Whiskey Zulu
.... white pots top down: BBGG3 x Critical Sour, NMKOG, and wonky CBD Kush


-- Purple Strawberry Biscotti -
- a bit congested from the light blasting...

>>> Whiskey Zulu

>>> LilMoBStar

>>> NMKOG back-up... interesting purple petioles showing early on here...
---[[[ Update time ]]]---

A lot of late growth action still,... typically things start to switch over around now, but aside from the semi-auto's that looks a ways off yet. Maybe a week or so, which is OK by me since the branching on the WDL types has been bloody slow to develop - :doh:
Yard is getting some nice stank at least!
A few caterpillar attacks, same kind as always, those fuckers don't seem to mind the lousy flavor that the SNS209 offer up :shrug:...oh well, nothing a nice Bt shower can't fix = :muahaha:.... and the weekly Phyter/RotBlock application due tomorrow- :greenthumb:

>>> Cherry WiFi's - have work to do on branching/stretch, but I hope by next week they will be done and starting bloom... 3-node girl is showing the identical burn symptoms that Garlicane had, and the same stalled-out apex growth I think; if that continues, she gets the top wack that Gar's did (which seems to have made the plant happier)... Those two were the only ones showing that malfunction, nothing different about their treatment at all... :shrug:

>>> Doors x Orig. Haze - staying a manageable size, not a lot of stretch the last week so I hope this is a sign they will shift into bloom mode soon!

>>> ChemDSourDieselHaze - better pics tomorrow....
Last edited:
>>> Garlicane - shaping up better now; top doing much better with the fragg'ed tip removed!

>>> NMK x Orange Glue

>>> BlueBonic/GG3 x S99v4 - I got me fisheye on those funky looking buds,...not building in an encouraging way so far, but it's too early to call just yet...
~~ tent stuff ~~

>>> Purple Strawberry Biscotti (now officially Bisquik?) ... finally showed sex today at 4 weeks... Nice beefy structure!

>>> Whiskey Zulu - definitely faster, to my detriment... she's going into bloom at a petite size, NFI why she did this,....:doh:

>>> GhostDawg Hz x BubbaTrouble (semi-auto)

>>> BBGG3 x Critical Sour

>>> Lil'MoBStar auto
Just gorgeous. I'm going back to reread your setup and technique... somethings gone quite well.
:toke: Hey 666, thanks for the kind words! .... This is the second year running the KIS Organics Nute pack amendment, the the first year doing a staged transplant during later veg'. Last year they went direct to 10gal, blew up nicely but ate the cupboards bare too soon and left me scrambling to keep they fed decently and suffer deficiencies. I started nearly 2 weeks later as well, all to keep them smaller and not go sideways like last year!
Also, the transplant soil had a new tweak to it- (actually the auto soil as well, not as rich though, that gets a milder amendment), I reduced the KIS and added in Terp Tea Bloom to boost the PK content and lower N content for blooming stage...
Plan change went from 10'ers to 7gal instead, not enough soil or time left, but given the sizes on them should be OK this time with the planned light feedings...

It's funny, usually the Sati's are the ones touchy about nute richness, not the WLD types, but clearly not the case here! :shrug:...and just the one CWF and Garlicane... The CWF was already showing the tip burn before transplanting, so that was not the cause and needed to happen regardless. I've seen this with organic feeds before, the very top only, not the laterals, but never had it cause the weird growth shut down that Garlicane had...likely the CWF too. After I loped the top off the plant practically sighed with relief, like that mess was a knot in her belly- :rofl:.. side growth shot off nicely rigth away, so some sort of hormonal jam-up was definitely happening!
This year the WLD hybrids didn't shoot branched very well, not sure if that specific to the cultivar (it can be) and/or the smaller started pots (ditto). I didn't think they were cramped that much to cause this, knowing how that could happen... Those 2 weeks delay loom larger now as well, 2 weeks during prime time veg is a lot of action missing, so that played a part as well... Some cultivars are late branchers, could be the case here too... Obviously the Sati's girls didn't sweat a damn thing on that account!

All in all, I don't see me changing nutes anytime soon, this KIS stuff is the best I've tried to date! Like anything, it takes some tinkering, especially working with premium quality bag soils, to adjust amounts and such... I still add certain supp's as you see, and light PK feeds, all of which is recommended by KIS as well..."Water only" is not a practical reality IME!
If you drop plants into larger containers right off the bat like I did the first time, the plants will grow in proportion to that volume pot, no holding them back. Staged transplanting is a solution to restrict size and keep them from depleting reserves too soon... So, with bloom to come yet, verdict on the changes is pending... :goodluck:

:bighug:Cheers Aunty @Mossy ...:passit:... there's a girl or two you must try next season, which we chat about later!

@Waria. :bighug: A fine bunch of Green. :greenthumb:
:crying: sorry mate, just veg' porn right now.... But keep tabs, if the CWF and Garlicane in particular show like others have, it'll be quite the resin factory Wonka style! ...CWF so far expresses that cherry aroma consistently, Gar's is a major stank queen with a complex funky mix of terp's :chef: