The following story may well be an urban myth, it certainly sounds made up, but was told to me as the true story of a friend of a friend.
A group of mates rented a cottage down in Glastonbury for a summer break, one of the group had recently returned from the Dam and had brought a load of shrooms back with him.
They decided to go for a stroll out on the tors, do the shrooms and comune with nature.
One of the group was a greedy git and necked more than his fair share of the shrooms, to the point of feeling unsettled. He informed the group of this and told hem he was heading back for a lie down.
A while later the group receive a phone call from the greedy bloke 'come home quick! I've captured a fairy!'
They arrive back at the cottage,,there is greedy, covered in blood, bruises and scratches.
'Where's the fairy?'
'I locked it in the cupboard under the stairs!'
They opened the cupboard to find a poor midget lady who had been minding her own business at a bus stop when this lunatic attacked her screaming about fairy's and dragged away into a strange house!