Nosey cunts! Itislads was the same, would only eat 2 things. Now he's 6' 5" and 18 stone!
We had 2 little chats with his teachers. The first was about him telling a kid that chocolate was cannabis (he'd questioned us about hash). The second was that him and his grandad would cuddle in bed and watch naughty videos (he'd been banned from watching Ed, edd and eddy because he started talking like them. Grandad new this but used to tape them for him and they watch them together when the lad went there to stay!)
We had a visit from social services once cos he'd fallen and smacked his head so we took him to A&E. Imagine. A 2 year old human with their tiny body and disproportionate head, managing to fall over and injure themselves. Most odd!
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Lol! Naughty videos in bed with Grandad does sound a bit sinister tho! [emoji23][emoji23]
Lil Vlad’s gonna be seeing a dietitian some time as soon as the NHS get round to it. I can’t see it helping tho.. you can lead a horse to water, and all that.
Does yer boy eat properly now?