Indoor Vlad grows more ganja.

This is getting tricky now.. just went out for a quick fag before I drag the plants out of the cellar, come back in and who’s on the stairs?
Lil Vlad still in his onesie after being put to bed at 19:30.

He’s gone back to bed now but the little beggar’s gonna catch us in mid chop some day soon. Thing is.. he’s five. That’s too young to tell him the ins and outs of weed and the law and all that shit but I don’t wanna lie to him.. [emoji848]

I suppose I’ll have to start trimming and drying it all myself in the cellar. [emoji22] That depends on whether or not I can get the air dry enough in there..

Fookin nightmare!
Oh dear vladders welcome to my life thats why i chop in the loft, fookin kids [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]i can help out on the drying bit get your yoyo hangers some small bulldog clips and some brown paper bags and dry your smoke in your grow tent annnnnnnd your welcome [emoji847]

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Oh dear vladders welcome to my life thats why i chop in the loft, fookin kids [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]i can help out on the drying bit get your yoyo hangers some small bulldog clips and some brown paper bags and dry your smoke in your grow tent annnnnnnd your welcome [emoji847]

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This is definitely a good idea, Wilee. I’ve seen you doing this before and thought it looks like a good plan. I think I’m gonna construct something in a wardrobe tho bud, venting into the loft. I got a spare room these days. [emoji41]

Anyhoo.. those two plants are chopped and hanging up to dry. They didn’t look that big but foooookinell there’s a massive pile of buds there. Fingers crossed the smell and taste hangs in there.

I’ll get some pics tomorrow. [emoji42]
This is getting tricky now.. just went out for a quick fag before I drag the plants out of the cellar, come back in and who’s on the stairs?
Lil Vlad still in his onesie after being put to bed at 19:30.

He’s gone back to bed now but the little beggar’s gonna catch us in mid chop some day soon. Thing is.. he’s five. That’s too young to tell him the ins and outs of weed and the law and all that shit but I don’t wanna lie to him.. [emoji848]

I suppose I’ll have to start trimming and drying it all myself in the cellar. [emoji22] That depends on whether or not I can get the air dry enough in there..

Fookin nightmare!
I stopped growing for 10 years for this reason.
We lived in Greenwich at the time and my garden was the airing cupboard opposite itislads room, he started noticing it when he was about 5,so I stopped production.

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I stopped growing for 10 years for this reason.
We lived in Greenwich at the time and my garden was the airing cupboard opposite itislads room, he started noticing it when he was about 5,so I stopped production.

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That’s not an option for me mate. I wouldn’t even know where to buy it anymore, let alone be able to afford the rip off prices the yout-dem charge these days! Mrs V would be doing £20 a day!

Hey.. pronunciation translation for the Duckster...



Grinnitch. [emoji16]
We’ve been in this situation before tho, with the Daughter.. I started off blagging it by showing her the plants in the garden and made out it came from there. It wasn’t long before I had to come clean tho, but she was 10 at the time.. there’s a bit more understanding of bending the rules at that age.

Anyway, I went to work today and I kept smelling weed in my van. Somehow the fabric of my bag has absorbed the stank from the Zkittles. Also my wife picked the boy up from school.. she opened his school bag and his lunchbox also reeks of ganja after being at the school all day. (Seriously not good)

Same thing happened with our Daughter.. backpack was in the same room as us doing the trim and it stank of weed all the next day.

Lesson learned. Don’t leave anything made out of that type of fabric anywhere nearby when ye do the chop!

And the kitchen floor still reeks. [emoji849]
We’ve been in this situation before tho, with the Daughter.. I started off blagging it by showing her the plants in the garden and made out it came from there. It wasn’t long before I had to come clean tho, but she was 10 at the time.. there’s a bit more understanding of bending the rules at that age.

Anyway, I went to work today and I kept smelling weed in my van. Somehow the fabric of my bag has absorbed the stank from the Zkittles. Also my wife picked the boy up from school.. she opened his school bag and his lunchbox also reeks of ganja after being at the school all day. (Seriously not good)

Same thing happened with our Daughter.. backpack was in the same room as us doing the trim and it stank of weed all the next day.

Lesson learned. Don’t leave anything made out of that type of fabric anywhere nearby when ye do the chop!

And the kitchen floor still reeks. [emoji849]
[emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]Social services gonna be kicking in your back doors vladders [emoji15][emoji15][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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[emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]Social services gonna be kicking in your back doors vladders [emoji15][emoji15][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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Fookin hope not! He got a letter home from school today too saying he’s seriously under weight! It’s true.. the boy just doesn’t like food...

I’ll just put him out of his misery, save all the aggro! [emoji848][emoji23]
Fookin hope not! He got a letter home from school today too saying he’s seriously under weight! It’s true.. the boy just doesn’t like food...

I’ll just put him out of his misery, save all the aggro! [emoji848][emoji23]
Fook them wankers all kids are different some are skinny some little chubsters, they said the same about my son until i told them what he eats hint fookin everything but he's a skinny arse like me just don't put weight on [emoji847]

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Fook them wankers all kids are different some are skinny some little chubsters, they said the same about my son until i told them what he eats hint fookin everything but he's a skinny arse like me just don't put weight on [emoji847]

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They’re right tho (in this case). Boy’s got an eating disorder, just like mumma. If it’s not pizza, bacon or chocolate, he ain’t interested. He won’t even eat Haribo, that ain’t normal for a five year old.

Aw well, he’s alwight.. we’ll get him sorted. [emoji849]
Nosey cunts! Itislads was the same, would only eat 2 things. Now he's 6' 5" and 18 stone!

We had 2 little chats with his teachers. The first was about him telling a kid that chocolate was cannabis (he'd questioned us about hash). The second was that him and his grandad would cuddle in bed and watch naughty videos (he'd been banned from watching Ed, edd and eddy because he started talking like them. Grandad new this but used to tape them for him and they watch them together when the lad went there to stay!)

We had a visit from social services once cos he'd fallen and smacked his head so we took him to A&E. Imagine. A 2 year old human with their tiny body and disproportionate head, managing to fall over and injure themselves. Most odd!

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