Dinafem Vlad gets CHEESY! [emoji893]

Hi peeps! Here’s a lil Dina-grow I’ve just started

It’s 2x Dinafem Cheese XXL Autos. They’re in auto pots with coco, perlite and a layer of clay pebbles at the bottom to help the drainage and the air domes to do their thaaang.

Nutrients are AN jungle juice- grow, bloom and micro. I’ll also be chucking in a few other bits and bobs I have to hand, like Dutch Pro Take Root and Explode.

Lighting is a good old fashioned 600W HPS dual spectrum, it eats a lot of electricity but it’s been running for a decade+ without a hiccup so far. [emoji1360]

So far, as ye can see.. they’re started in some tiny pots with a small handful of potting compost just to help them out of the ground happily. Two days ago I soaked the 15L auto pots with the recommended dose of jungle juice for seedlings and I’ll be chucking them in the final pots in a mo.

Feel free to chip in with any insults/ comments or flattery, I’m open to anything tbh! - more pics in a bit,


Vlad. [emoji1365]

I'm all caught up now buddy :thumbsup:

Another Cheese xxl adventure up and running :pass:

This should be a blast and you know I'll be tagging along for the ride :bong:

Looking good at this early stage :pass:

Good luck with the grow mate :thumbsup:

I'll keep dropping in as you update :pass:

All the best :bong:

I'm all caught up now buddy :thumbsup:

Another Cheese xxl adventure up and running :pass:

This should be a blast and you know I'll be tagging along for the ride :bong:

Looking good at this early stage :pass:

Good luck with the grow mate :thumbsup:

I'll keep dropping in as you update :pass:

All the best :bong:


Cheers bud!

I’ve had to abandon the outdoor grow this year, my grow buddy Keggsie has taken on a new job so he’s gonna be working nights all summer and it’s too much of a mission to do it all myself. Maybe next year.. [emoji849]

Anyhoo.. the plan for this one is TOP and SCRoG and see what happens. Should be alwight... [emoji1360]


^ [emoji893]


^ [emoji893][emoji893]

I’ve topped No 2 cos she was getting big ideas, fooked it up tho and I’ve ended up with no growth tips on the top of the plant. Aw well! [emoji849]

No 1 is as nature intended.. she’s starting to flower already tho so hopefully it’s gonna be covered in frost soon. [emoji1694]

Scrog is on so the pics will be rubbish for a few weeks til they stop stretching and I take the screen off.


All good so far. [emoji1360]


^ [emoji893]


^ [emoji893][emoji893]

I’ve topped No 2 cos she was getting big ideas, fooked it up tho and I’ve ended up with no growth tips on the top of the plant. Aw well! [emoji849]

No 1 is as nature intended.. she’s starting to flower already tho so hopefully it’s gonna be covered in frost soon. [emoji1694]

Scrog is on so the pics will be rubbish for a few weeks til they stop stretching and I take the screen off.


All good so far. [emoji1360]
Isn't that your lawn tennis net, using it as a scrog how common [emoji16]

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