Outdoor Vas’ Audacious Auto Attempt, Organic, 40 autos ,5 strains !!!

Ok I took down a hubbabubbasmelloscope today, she had a caterpillar munching on her and a tiny bit of botrytis overnight that got arrested quickly in the heat of the morning before i got to it. If it was autumn, it would be carnage out there. I'm closely watching the weather and in my sights are the other hubba and the magnum and maybe super cali haze. I think I'll pull the shitty looking big devil tomorrow.

Here she is after her ceremonial leafcut before being pulled, I'm about to trim her. She's still got some nice juicy buds...

You can see where I had to cut more away today, the brown dried bits go mouldy real easy in the wet, so it was time to go

Gutted about the mould its the outdoor growers curse ! Atleast youve got a sweet selection of buds to enjoy. And more to come too. The cali hazes can go for 130 days easy, but suffer from mould which starts on the 1st calyxes to apear but you can rub them off when they start browning, theyll be the ones at the bottom of the buds.
Ive noticed little garden birds love eating caterpillas, you could try some bird feeders near the plants to get them close ?
Great thread keep em coming Vas
Gutted about the mould its the outdoor growers curse ! Atleast youve got a sweet selection of buds to enjoy. And more to come too. The cali hazes can go for 130 days easy, but suffer from mould which starts on the 1st calyxes to apear but you can rub them off when they start browning, theyll be the ones at the bottom of the buds.
Ive noticed little garden birds love eating caterpillas, you could try some bird feeders near the plants to get them close ?
Great thread keep em coming Vas

Hey maffro, I know what you mean, I found a toothbrush really handy for rubbing the brown bits off. I have heaps of little finches around and I see them near the plants but maybe they miss some of them ?
Hey Guys & Girls, been very busy at the Vacienda, with harvest and lead up to xmas. Last three autos will be downed hopefully tomorrow if showers hold don't return. I haven't had time to come on here much but heres a couple of pics I grabbed when I remembered lol....

With all the problems I've had with this grow, I'm happy with the way it turned out. The fungal leaf infection effected yields. I didn't record weights of everything, but I have over 1/2LB dry in jars now + another estimated 5oz to come in, and with what I've already smoked around 4oz, the grow will cruise over the 1 LB mark.

Big Devil AUto XL, finished off nicely, and weighed in dry right on 2 OZ !! 56.8g...the smell is a really strong fruity & spicy smell.



Auto Bud Canon , these live up to the breeders name LOL, SHort stuff alright, but fat. These two yeilded 86g between them...


Another Shortstuff strain, not so short lol.. Tha Shiznit ,just over 1M m tall, she's hanging up now..

A variety of buds harvested before the first day of summer, nice. Considering the set backs and attacks, are you happy with the yield for your risk/effort? I can't always count on the summer solstice being frost free here. Could you plant a second crop of autos for fall harvest or will your summer get too hot?
A variety of buds harvested before the first day of summer, nice. Considering the set backs and attacks, are you happy with the yield for your risk/effort? I can't always count on the summer solstice being frost free here. Could you plant a second crop of autos for fall harvest or will your summer get too hot?

Thanks AJ, yep with the crap i've been through, I'm happy with the yield. I could plant next week and be harvesting last week summer / first 2 weeks autumn. Heat is not an issue with mature mj plants outdoors, they actually love it, just keep the water up. These autos have been lapping up +34 degree C days lately. just have to use shade cloth while they're young.
Hello Hello, been busy with xmas & all and an internet meltdown just before xmas, I hope you all had a good christmas and a hazy new year.... here is my Super Cali Haze Christmas tree that I couldn't post before xmas lol.....


I'll do some smoke reports in the next week or so but all very nice. It's been great having a variety of strains with different flavours & effects. With all the problems I had with this grow, I will still declare it a success.

I am gearing up for another auto run starting next week. which will run mid summer to about 1st/2nd week autumn.

That's a nice little tree, happy new year! The benefit of being a gardener is enjoying the tasty fruits of your labour. From half a planet away I'll enjoy mine with a smokey cheers to you.