Indoor Vapo's Vivisection section.

Hahahaaaaa that wasn't fun haha... :crying: ...but I did manage to spur my self on and get you some lovely pics of my ladies....
firstly is the D-D-Dragonfruit by Dragon seeds....these ladies are doing well, they are currently on week is/has steamed ahead of the other(No.1)but it would seem that while smaller(No.2)has enjoyed
being topped and will get her own hooks soon....

Next up is Sawney Bean's Jonestown, as we know I clipped her wings on Thursday and it looks like she loved it, week 7 will be over for her soon.... I took 2 pics bcoz I love her soooo Deadite here there be...not haha

Next is my DP OMG and she looks pretty sad, droopy but it's bcoz as I explained, I have been hacking away at her and I think she has had enuff and is ready to fall....she has been a great plant...

Next is the Glueberry, perfect shape, smell and look....a good reason to grow normally of I ever saw one, cracker!! orange pistils yet, I always seem to get this problem with these it a problem?......idk...if the trichs are right, she be good I think....

That's it for today kiddo's....did you notice the new tent? didn't think so, bcoz my lazy stoner ass hasn't put it up yet, it's in the box behind.....still hahaa ....more soon AFN....
I did notice more cardboard but I'm sure my ninja skills murdered it.
I did notice more cardboard but I'm sure my ninja skills murdered it.
Definitely dude, definitely 🤣...I had to zoom out a lot bcoz of tall ladies..Noice 💯⭐