Indoor Vapo's Vivisection section.

Hello's work out in the tent today was just feeding pH 6 water only to the DP Skywalker Haze Auto.... also I have removed all of her ties, as I usually do a few days/a week from the end...I do this so they can move about naturally....there is no particular reason I do this other than I think it's nice for them to not be tied down all their life....but I did have to put a cross brace in to keep the budz apart...

The DP Mimosa Punch and the SSSC BLD got nothing done as they were still slightly heavy from feeding yesterday..

The SSSC BLD looks a little bit pale to me....hmmm!... we will see how she goes...and lastly is the DP Trichomes and Cream...not much change above the Coco line to be seen, I am presuming that she will start moving up when she hits the bottom of the pot.....iffn' you zoom in you can see the tips of the 2nd and 3rd fingers of the three fingered leaves start to emerge...again she looks yellowish but it might be the green Halo...

Thats all folks....have a great day everyone!!
Hello AFN....I have come to a Halo idea will not work!!.......I don't think it is meant for such a porous medium...bcoz instead of taking 3-6 hours to's more like 3-6 seconds....if I grew in soil it would work better, I think?.....but I am gonna stop using it and just lvl off the Coco/CP.....thanks everyone.
Hello AFN...I took the Halo off the DP Trichomes and Cream and just smoothed out the Coco/CP....

The DP Mimosa Punch is looking good as she begins week 7 along with the SSSC BLD...
and the DP Skywalker Haze is looking just a bit lighter hehe

Stay safe everyone....more soon......
Hello AFN....just a group shot today....the DP Skywalker Haze has fallen and is currently hanging/drying/stinking........the rest are lookin' like this..

..and if you zoom in on the SSSC BLD you will see this...

See the yellow margins?....idk what these mean?....this lady has had some trauma in my spade like hands so maybe it's that?.....I started this lady on Megacrop yesterday....Big, Big Thanks to @Greenleaf Nutrients for the freebie dudes... :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
..and if you zoom in on the SSSC BLD you will see this...

See the yellow margins?....idk what these mean?....this lady has had some trauma in my spade like hands so maybe it's that?.....I started this lady on Megacrop yesterday....Big, Big Thanks to @Greenleaf Nutrients for the freebie dudes... :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
That's because they are in coco. Coco needs to be fertigated every watering with a 20% runoff and at a pH of 5.75.
@Mañ'O'Green is the MC to-go-guy, he'll help you out brother :thumbsup: