Indoor Vapo's Vivisection section.

That's because they are in coco. Coco needs to be fertigated every watering with a 20% runoff and at a pH of 5.75.
@Mañ'O'Green is the MC to-go-guy, he'll help you out brother :thumbsup:
Thank for that @Bob's Auto's .......but I iz afraid this 'appened before I started with the Mega....I actually switched bcoz I thought the Mega would sort it out hehe.....but like I said it only had its first dose yesterday dude.....and thank you, I will ask MoG if I run into any problems :bighug:
Hello again AFN....during the briefest period of lucidity today, I realised that my ladies could be better this is what I did....I forgot to take a pic so I hope you all understand this hehe...

....also........I don't know if the DP T+C is gonna make it....or I am just being impatient bcoz I am not used to growing in a pot this size?....she just doesn't seem to be happy....:shrug:
She could be just a little whiney twat, but don't give up on her yet mate! Sometimes the ones that are hard to grow in the beginning could prove the most beautiful ones when its about to harvest :drool:

I'm sure you can give her some of that Vapo love to get her back on track! :shooty:
She could be just a little whiney twat, but don't give up on her yet mate! Sometimes the ones that are hard to grow in the beginning could prove the most beautiful ones when its about to harvest :drool:

I'm sure you can give her some of that Vapo love to get her back on track! :shooty:
Yes, I totally agree with you.... unfortunately I pulled her earlier.....whoops!....I did however, put my last DP T+C seed in her fact it's the last DP seed in my vault.........:yoinks:
Haha I didn't expect that! :rofl:

Anyway all good, regarding the empty DP vault, new ones will be on their way today ;-) So just hold on a little longer!! Cheers man :pass:
Haha dude :crying: Noice!!....I didn't post that to remind you........really!......he-to-the-he......and Thanks dude:thanks::bighug: