Indoor Vapo's Vivisection section.

Hellooooo everyone, it's me.......Vapo.....:toke:....I remembered to take a pic today haha :woohoo1: also I took one of my new correct air filtration system :yoinks::yoinks::yoinks::yoinks: ...yes, that's right :rofl::rofl: I said correct!...until I just got a new filter and did some filter system was set up thusly::
Which I have discovered is wrong!!...D'oh!! should be set up...thisly!?!
Oh we'll never mind everyone...we live and learn!
Anyway, I managed a pic of a wk 7 Seedstockers unknown..
why comes "50 shades of grey" into my mind .... Good Dom, she likes your ropes and chains in her room and likes to being cuffed :shrug: